Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1233

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. Cs. 234 . 1931 . Sums paid for work, be agreed upon by the Public Printer and the department or estab- cred ited to working lishment concerned . All sums paid to the Public Printer for work capital. that he is authorized by law to do shall be deposited to the credit, on the books of the Treasury Department, of the appropriation made for the working capital of the Government Printing Office, for the year in which the work is done, and be subject to requisition by the Public Printer . Estimates for depart- ments, etc ., to be incor . All amounts in the Budget for the fiscal year 1 933 for printing porat ed in single items . and binding for any department or establishment, so far as the Bureau of the Budget may deem practicable, shall be incorporated in a single item for printing and binding for such department or establishment and be eliminated as a part of any estimate for V Details to be given if other purpose . And if any amounts for printing and binding are part of other items .

included as a part of any estimates for any other purposes, such Proviso. amounts shall be set forth in detail in a note immediately follow . Engravingand Print- ing the general estimate for printing and binding : Provided, That ing Bureau excepted, th e foregoing requirements shall not apply to work to be executed Re strict ion o n payi ng at the Bureau of Engravinpp and Printing.

p detailed employees . No part of any money a ropriated in this Act shall be aid to any person employed in the Government Printing Office while detailed for or performing service in any other executive branch of the public service of the United States unless such detail be authorized by law . OffceofSuperintende ent of Documents .

OFFICE OF SUPERIN'T'ENDENT OF DOCUMENTS Superintendent, and personnel. For the Superintendent of Documents, assistant superintendent, Ante, p . 1003. an d other personal services in accordance with the Classification v. S. C., Supp. Iv, Act of 1923, as a mended, an d compens ation of e mployees p aid by p. oi.43, the hour who shall be subject to the provisions of the Act entitled u. S. C., p. 1417. "An Act to regulate and fix rates of pay for employees and officers proviso. of the Government Printing Office," approved June 7, 1924 (U. S . C ., Item a separate unit . title 44, sec. 40), $550,000 : Provided, That for t he pu rpose of Post, p .1191 .

conforming to section 3 of this Act this appropriation shall be considered a separate appropriation unit . Conting ent expenses . For fu rnit ure and fi xtur es, typ ewri ter s, c arp ets, la bor- sav ing machines and accessories, time stamps, adding and numbering machines, awnings, curtains, books of reference ; directories, books, miscellaneous office and desk supplies, paper, twine, glue, envelopes, postage, car fares, soap, towels, disinfectants, and ice ; drayage, express, freight, telephone and telegraph service ; traveling expenses (not to exceed $200) ; repairs to buildings, elevators, and machinery ; preserving sanitary condition of building, light, heat, and power ; stationery and OW printing, including blanks, price lists, and bibliographies $100,0 00 ; fo r c atal ogu es a nd inde xes, no t ex cee d- ing $59,000 ; for suppl ying' books to d eposi tory l ibrar ies, $85,000 ; Supply. upplyingdepository in all, $244,000 : Provided, That no part of this sum shall be used libraries r estricted . to supply to depository libraries any documents, books, or other printed matter not requested by such libraries, and the requests therefor shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent of Document s. a Printing por ts c may In order to keep the expenditures for printing and binding for b eIId 0Plei) the fiscal year 1932 within or under the appropriations for such fiscal year, the heads of the various executive departments and independent establishments are authorized to discontinue the print- Pr0W80

ing of annual or special reports under their respective jurisdictions

Originals to be kept P rovi ded , That where the printing of such reports is discontinued for public inspection. the original copy thereof shall be kept on file in the offices of the heads of the respective departments or independent establishments for public inspection .