SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III. CHs . 24 7-249 . 1931 . in 1931; this money to be paid by order of the Secretary of State to the Pan American Union, and to be expended in the same manner and under the same conditions as the appropriation of the United States of the quota for the support of the Pan American Union . Approved, February 20, 1931 . February 20, 1931 . [H. R. 16248.]
2 4 8 .-An Act A uthorizing the Secre tary of War to excha nge with the
[Public, No . 705 .]
Rosslyn Connecting
Company lands
the Virginia shore of the Potomac
River near
Arlington Memorial Bridge .
Arlington Memorial
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Bridge Va .
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That in order to a R sslyn aCon with h the
- enable the Arlington Memorial Brid ge project to be carried ou t in in g Railro ad Comp any, a satisfactory manner and to remove any interference with the plans authorized . for said bridge or its approaches on the Virginia side of the Potomac River a rising from t he location of the tracks of the Rosslyn Con- necting Railroad Company, the Secretary of War, with the consent of the Secretary of Agriculture an d the Arlingt on Memorial Br idge Commission, is authorized to effect such an exchange of lands with the Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company as may be necessary or desirable for that purpose and will permit the relocation of the tracks of said railr oad company in accord with the plans for said bridge and its approaches; and to that end the Secretary of War is authorized to convey to the Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company such lands of the United States on the west side of the Potomac River, including lands within the administrative control and juris- diction of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission, as may be agreed upon in said exchange in consideration of the convey ance to the Un ited States by said railr oad company of such lands o f an approxima tely equivalent area as the Secretary of War shall deem necessary or desirable to carry out the purpose of this Act and permit the removal Proafao .
of the tracks of the Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company to a Title of conveyed location in accord with said Memorial Bridge project : Provided, land . That the title to the lands conveyed in exchange by the Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of War . Approved, February 20, 1931 . February 20, 1931 . [S. J. Res . 183 .]
CHAP . 249 .-Joint Resolution Authoriz ing the Secretary of Agriculture to [Pub . Res., No. 121 .1 cooperate with the Territories of the United States under the provisions of sections 1 and 2 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of forest lands, for the reforestation of denuded areas, for the extension of national forests, and for ot her purposes, in order to promote the continuous production o f timber on lands chiefly suitable therefor ." Forest perpetuation . Resol ved by the S enate and H ouse o f Rep resen tative s of the Cooperation with United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Sec- Territories, authorized . retary of Agriculture be, and he is hereby, authorized to cooperate with the Territories of the United States on the same terms and con- ditions as with States under sections 1 and 2 of the Act of Congress 44,p. , p. 653; Vol. entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of forest lands, for the ref orestation of denuded areas, for the ext ension of nati onal forests, and for other purposes, in order to promote the continuous production of timber on lands chiefly suitable therefor," approved June 7, 1924 . Approved, February 20, 1931 .