SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. CHs. 271, 272. 1931 . for unpaid taxes assessed after the date of a mortgage or deed executed by the patentee or his heirs, or sold in execution of a judg- ment for debt incurred after date of such mortgage or deed, and the period of redemption has expired ." Approved, February 21, 1931 . February 21, 1931 . [H . it. 15877.1
CHAP . 272 .-An Act To authorize exchanges of land with owners of private- [Public, No. 714 .1 la nd holdings within the Craters of the Mo on National Monument . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Craters of the Moon National
United States o Amer ica in Congres s assembled, That the Sec retary Idaho .
of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to in, .§r l ands accept on behalf of the United States complete title to any or all of the fo llowing-descri bed lands hel d in private ownership with in the boundaries of the Craters of the Moon National Monument, Description. Idaho : Southeast quarter southwest quarter, section 22; northeast quarter northwest quarter, southwest quarter northwest quarter, west half northeast quarter, section 27; northwest quarter northwest quarter section 26, township 2 north, range 24 east, Boise meridian, Idaho, and i n exchange th erefor may pa tent not to ex ceed an equal value of land to be selected from the following-described tracts of reserved public land, subject to any valid and existing entries under any law : Northwest quarter northwest quarter, section 2; northwest quarter northeast quarter, southeast quarter, northwest quarter southwest quarter, southeast quarter southwest quarter, section 3; northeast quar ter northwest quarter sect ion 9; n or th we st q u ar te r, west half northeast quarter, section 10, township 1 north, range 23 east; and south half southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter, southeast quarter southeast quarter, section 26; northeast quarter, east half northwest quarter, south half southeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter, north half southwest quarter, southwest P~ ovis§
quarter southw est quarter, section 35, t ownship 2 nort h, range 23 Lan ds offered i n ex- east, Boise me ridian, Idaho : Pr o vi d ed , That if lands sufficient to change . equal the value of the lands within the monument offered in exchange are n ot available within the ar ea herein desc ribed, then in addition the Secretary may patent public land in the State of Publication required . Idaho, surveyed and nonmineral in character, sufficient to equal such value . Before any exchange hereunder is effected notice of the contemplated e xchange, reci ting the land s selected, sh all be pub- lished once ea ch week for f our successiv e weeks in som e newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties where the lands value ascertained. proposed to be selected are located . . SEC . 2 . That the value of the lands within said monument offered for exchange, and the value of the lands of the United States to be selected therefor, shall be ascertained in such manner as the Secre- tary of the Interior may direct; and the owners of such privately owned lands within said monument shall, before the exchange is Title, effective, furnish the Secretary of the interior evidence satisfactory to him of title to the patented lands offered in exchange; and lands conveyed to the United States under this Act shall be and remain a part of the Craters of the Moon National Monument . Approved, February 21, 1931 .