Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/127

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs . 75-77 . 1930 . March 10, 1930 . [S.J. Res.109.] [Pub . Res., No .48.] CH A P . 75 .-Jo int Resolution Exten ding for two years t he time within which American claimants may make application for payment, under the Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, of awards of the Mixed Claims Commission and of the Trip artit e Cla ims Commi ssion , and for one year the time withi n whi ch claims may be filed with the Alien Property Custodian . Set tl eme nt of war Resolv ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Claims Act .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That subsection Time extended for applications by Ameri- (g) of section 2 and subsection (f) of section 5 of the Settlement can cl aim , ants 45 pp.

, 2 63, under. of war Claims Act of 1928 are amended, respectively, by striking amended .

out the words "two years" wherever such words appear therein, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " four years " . Alien Property Cus- SEC . 2 . Subsection (d) of section 25 of the Trading with the todian . Filing of claims with, Enemy Act, as amended, is hereby amended by striking out the extended . Vol . pp . 269, 1255, term 'two years" in Clause (1) of said subsection and inserting amended,

in lieu thereof the term " three years " . Approved, March 10, 1930 . March 10, 193 0. [H.J. Res.210.] [Pub . Res., No. 49.1 World's Fourth Poul- try Congress . Sum authorized for delegates to . Vol.45,p. 1635. Post, p . 116. March 12, 1930. (s . 2093 .1 CHAP . 77.-An Act For the relief of the State of Alabama for damage to and [Public, No . 71 .]

destruction of roads and bridges by floods in 1929 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise app ropriated, th e sum of $1,66 0,000 for the relief of the - State of Alabama, as a reimbursement or contribut ion in aid from the United States, induced by the extraordinary condi- tions of ne cessit y and emerg ency r esulti ng fr om the unusu ally serious financial loss to the State of Alabama through the damage to or destruction of roads and bridges by floods in 1929, imposing a public charge against the property of the State beyond its reason- able capacity to bear . Such portion of the sum hereby authorized to be appropriated as will be available for future construction shall be expended by the State highway depar tment, with th e approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, for the restoration, including reloca- tion, of roads and bridges of the Federal aid highway system so damaged or destroyed, in such manner as to give the largest measure of permanent relief, unde r rules and r egulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture . Any portion of the sum hereby authorized to be appropriated shall become available when the State of Alabama shows to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Agriculture that it has, either before or after the approval of this Act, actually expended, or made availab le for expend iture, for the restoration, including relocation, of roads and bridges so damaged or destroyed, Alabama. Sum authori zed to ai d, in constructing roads, etc ., damaged by flood s in 1929 . Post, p . 100. Allowance for future construction, under Federal aid highway system by the State . If like amount from State funds expended for restoring roads, bridges, etc . CHAP . 76 .-Joint Resolution To authorize an appropriation for the expenses of official delegates to the fourth World's Poultry Congress, to be held in Eng- land in 1930 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Am erica in Cong ress assemble d, That an appr opriation is authorized of $15,000 for the expenses of official delegates of the United States to the world's Fourth Poultry Congress, to be held in England i n 1930, in add ition to fund s heretofore appropriated f or the purpose of a . United States Government exhibit at such congress (Forty-fifth Statutes at Large, page 1635) . Approved, March 10, 1930 .