Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1271

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12 28

SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III. CH. 277. 1931 . Public Health Serv- ice. Office personnel .

Salaries, office of Surgeon General : For personal services in the District of Columbia, $ 34 0 , 13 5 . suP rge ro 'AQea n , , For pay, allowance, and commutation of quarters for commis- cers,etc .

sioned medical officers, including the Surgeon General, and phar- u effie laappropria ° macists, $1,405,968 : Provided, That field appropriations of the Pub- tions e

lie Health Service available for personal services during the fiscal Ante, p . iso .

years 1931 and 1932 shall be available for the pay and allowances of officers commissioned under the provisions of the Act approved April 9, 1930 (46 Stat., p . 150) . Acting assistant sur- For pa of acting assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical geons .

officers), $397,984 . Other e mploye es .

For pay of all other employees (attendants, and so forth), $1,102,090 . Freight, transports- For freight, transportation, and traveling expenses, including tion,etc, the expenses, except membership fees, of officers when officially detailed to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of public health, and the packing, crating, drayage, and transporta- tion of the personal effects of commissioned officers, scientific per- sonnel, pharmacists, and nurses of the Public Health Service, upon Transporting re- permanent change of station $29,000 : Provided, That funds expend- mains of officers . able for transport ation and tra veling expens es may also be used for preparation fo r shipment an d transportat ion to their f ormer homes of remains of officers who die in line of duty . $Natiional Institute of For maintaining the National Institute of Health, $4 8, 00 0 . Ante, p . 379.

For journals and scientific books, office of Surgeon General, $500 . 'Books. nal examina- For medical examinations, including the amount necessary for tioVale. 39, p . sss5

the medical inspection of aliens, as required by section 16 of the U.S. C.,p. 137. Act of February 5, 1917 (U. S. C ., title 8, see . 152), medical, surgical, and hospital services and supplies, including prosethetic and ortho- pedic supplies to be furnished under regulations approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for beneficiaries (other than patients of the United States Veterans' Bureau) of the Public Health Service and persons detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service under the immigration laws and regulations, including necessary personnel, regular and reserve commissioned officers of the Public Health Services in the Dis- Service, personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, trict . General expenses. inc luding the fur nishin g and l aunderi ng of w hite du ck coat s, trousers, smocks, aprons, and caps to employees whose duties make necessary the wearing of same, maintenance, minor repairs, equip- ment, leases, fuel, lights, water, freight, transportation and travel, maintenance, exchange and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehicles, and including not exceeding $3,000 for the purchase of passenger motor vehicles (at a cost not to exceed $1,000 each, including the value of any vehicle exchanged, except for ambu- Le pers, transporta- lances), transportation, care, maintenance, and treatment of lepers, tion, care, etc' including transportation to their homes in the continental United States of recovered indigent leper patients, court costs, and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for commi tment of ment ally incompete nt persons to hospitals fo r the insane, care, etc °

care and treatment of the insane, and reasonable burial expenses (not exceeding $100 for any patient dying in hospital), $6,563,812

Provisos .

Pr ovi ded That the Immigration Service shall permit the Public U se of Ellis I sland

b hospitals.

Healt h Service to use the hospit als at Ellis Island Immigr ation Station for the care of Public Health Service patients free of expense for physical upkeep, but with a charge of actual cost of fuel, light water, telephone, and similar supplies and services, to be coverec T easuus' covered into into the proper Immigration Service appropriations ; and money collected by the Immigration Service on account of hospital expenses PUI3LIC HEALTH SERVICE