Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1275

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 277. 1931 . national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (including Marcus Treasury buildings, Hook) and completed and occupied outbuildings (including wire n. c.

partitions and fly screens for same), and not exceeding $24,000 for t he Tr easur y, T reasu ry An nex, Libe rty L oan, and Audit ors' Buil d- Restriction on per- ings in the District of Columbia : Provided further, That this sum sonal services .

~ shall not be available for the payment of personal services except for work done by contract or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building, $1,635,000 . mMechanical equip- Mechanical equipment : F or instal lation a nd repai r of mec hanical equipment in all completed and occupied public buildings under the Heating, lighting, etc. control of the Treasury Department, including heating, hoisting, Post, P . 1605. plumbing, gas piping, ventilating, vacuum cleaningand refriger- ating apparatus, electric-light plans, meters, interior pneumatic-be and intercommunicating telephone systems, conduit, wiring, call-bell and signal systems, and for maintenance and repair of tower clocks ; for installation and repair of mechanical equipment, for any of the foregoing items, in buildings not reserved by vendors on sites under the control of the Treasury Department acquired for public buildings or the enlargements of public buildings, the total expenditures on this account for the current fiscal year not to exceed 10 per centum Provisos .

of the annual rentals of such buildings : Provided, T h a t of the sum Marine hospitals, quarantine stations, herein appropriated, not exceeding 125,000 may be used for the et c'

installation and repair of mechanical equipment in marine hospitals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (including Marcus Treasury buildings . Hook), and not exceeding $38,000 for the Treasury, Treasury Annex, Liberty Loan, and Auditors' Buildings in the District of Columbia, but not including the generating plant and its maintenance in the Auditors' Building, and not exceeding $10,000 for the maintenance, Pn euma tic- tub e changes in, and repairs of pneumatic-tube system between the ap- service,NewYorkCity . praise rs' warehouse and the new cust omhouse in Bowling Green, Borough of Manhattan, in the city of New York, including repairs to the street pavement and subsurface necessary, incident to, or resulting from, such maintenance, changes, or repairs : Provided Personal-service re- further, That this sum shall not be available for the payment of striction .

~ personal services except for work done by contract, or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building, $700,000 . vaults and safes. Vaults and safes : For vaults and lock-box equipments and repairs thereto in all completed and occupied public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, and for the necessary safe equip- ments and repairs thereto in all public buildings under the control of the Trea sury Depar tmen t, wh ether com plete d and occ upied or i n course of construction, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $50 at any one building, $165,000 . Gener al expe nses .

General expenses : To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to Vol. 35, p. 537. U.S.C.,p , law.

exe cute and give eff ect to t he provi sions of section 6 of the Act of Technical, et§ § sere- ices .

May 30, 1908 (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 683) : For salaries of architec- tural and engineering personnel and inspectors in the District of to do ze eyes of snpe in- Columbia and elsewhere, not exceeding $1,727,900 ; expenses of super- intendence, including expenses of all inspectors and other officers and employees, on duty or detailed in connection with work on public buildings and the furnishing and equipment thereof, and the work of the Supervising Architect's Office, under orders from the Treasury Transporting effects. Department ; for the transportation of household goods, incident to change of headquarters of district engineers, construction engineers, inspection engineers, and inspectors, not in excess of five thousand pounds at any one time, together with the necessary expense incident to packing and draying the same, not to exceed in any one year a total