Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1298

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1255 grain and seeds unfit for seeding purposes," $78,220 : Provided, That Proviso- Inte rnation al Seed not to exceed $250 of this amount may be used for meeting the share Testing Congress, of the United States in the expenses of the International Seed Test- ing Congress in carrying out plans for correlating the work of the various adhering governments on problems relating to seed analysis or other subjects which the congress may determine to be necessary in the interest of international seed trade . Cereal crops and diseases : For the investigation and improve- Cereal crops and dis- ment of cereals, including corn, and methods of cereal production eases . ses Investigations for im- provenient of, eradicat- and for the study and control of cereal diseases, and for the investi- p dise a

radi cat ,

m g diseases, et c. gation of the cultivation and breeding of flax for seed purposes, including a study of flax diseases, and for the investigation and imp rovement of broom corn and methods of broom corn pro duction, $574,060 . Barberrv eradication : For the eradication of the common bar- Barberryeradieation . Methods for, and ce- berry and for applying such other methods of eradication and Con- real rusts . trol of cereal rusts as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agricul- ture may be necessary, including the payment of such expenses and the employment of such persons and means, in the city of Washing- ton and elsewhere, and cooperation with such authorities of the Cooperation. States concerned, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may Prorisos. deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, $377,140 : Provided, Sub ject to equal con- That $75,0 00 of this amount shall be av ailable for expenditure only Intuition of States, etc . when an equal amount shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or contributed by States, counties, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of such purposes : Provided detoopay for pro per ty further, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of property injured or destroyed .

Tobacco production, Tobacco : For t he investigat ion and impro vement of tob acco and etc the methods of tobacco production and handling, $91,000 . Sugar plants : For sugar-plant investigations, including studies sugar plant investi- of disease s and the improvement of suga r beets and sugar-beet seed, gations . $413,700 .

Wild plants and graz- Botany : For investigation, improvement, and utilization of wild ing lands . plants and grazing lands, and for determining the distribution of weeds and means of their control, $56,2 60 . Dry land, etc ., crop Dry-land agriculture : For the investigation and improvement of production . metho ds of crop pr oduction unde r subhumid, semiarid, or dry-land c o n d i t i o n s , $345,740 : Pro vided, That $80,000, including con struction CheyenneWyo.,sta- of physical improvements, shall be available for the horticultural lion- Southern Great experiment station at Cheyenne, Wyoming : Provided further, That Pl .unsstation . $35,000 sh all be available for carrying into effect the Act approved Vol°45, p .'4,0~ 1a April 16, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 7 . sees . 387-388a), entitled p 45x . C ., supp, n-, "An A ct providing for horticult ural experim ent and demon stration work in the Southern Great Plains area," at Woodward, Oklahoma Provided further, That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of c able .t limit not appli- Provided buildings shall not apply to this paragraph : Provided further, That n o part of this appropriation shall be used for the establi sh- Na now field station. ment of any new field station .

Utilizing western re . Wes tern ir rig atio n a gric ult ure : For investigations in connection claimed lands . wi th weste rn irriga tion agr iculture , the uti lization of land s reclaimed under the Reclamation Act, and other areas in the arid and P,°rzso . se mia rid reg ion s, $153, 940 : Provid ed, That the limitations in this Building limit not Act as to the cost of farm buildings shall not apply to this applicable . paragraph'

Horticultural crops Horticultural crops and diseases : For investigation and control of and diseases . diseases, for improvement of methods of culture, propagation, breed- control . and ing, selection, and related activities concerned with the production et lm pr°°i°g methods , of fruits, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, and related plants, for inves- tigation of methods of harvesting, packing, shipping, -storing, and