Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1304

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SE VEN TY- FIR ST C ONGRESS. SEss . III. CH. 278. 1931 .

1261 or nonforested lands within such cooperating States, under the Vol . 43,p . 654. provisions of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the pro tect ion of for est land s, for the ref ores tati on of d enu ded area s, for the extension of national forests, and for other purposes, in order to promote the continuous production of timber on lands chiefly suitab le there for," ap proved J une 7 1924 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 567), and Acts supplementary thereto, 95 ,000 , of which amount not to services in the Dis- exceed $1 .840 may be expended for departmental personal services trict. in the District of Columbia . ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL FOREST LANDS Addit ional fores t lan ds. For the acquisition of additional lands under the provisions of Acquiringunder For- the Act of March 1, 1911 (U. S. C ., title 16, sees . 513-519), as en voi 36rp t 965 ; AVol . amende d by the Act of Ju ne 7 1924 (U. S. C., title 16, sees . 43, p .654, v°1 .45, p .468 . Ante, p. 527. 564-570), subject to the provisions of the Act of April 30, 1928 (45 U. S. C., p. 427; Stat., p . 46 8), $ 2,00 0,00 0, of which amount not to exceed $40, 900 S se IV, in the Dis- may be expended for departmental personal services and supplies and trict. equipment in the District of Columbia . Total, Forest Service, $16,954,620 . BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS SALARIES AND GENERAL E XPENSES Chemistry and Soils Bureau . General expenses . For all necessary expenses connected with the investigations and Investi gations , appa- experiments hereinafter authorized, including the employment of ees, l etc upplies,employ- investigators, local and special agents, assistants, experts, clerks, draftsmen, and labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere


cial traveling expenses, materials, tools, instruments, apparatus, repairs to apparatus, chemicals, furniture, office fixtures, stationery, gas, electric current, telegraph and telephone service, express and freight charges, rent outside the District of Columbia, and for all other ne cessary supplies and exp enses, a s follows For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- Chief of bureau, and ing the salary o f chief of burea u and ot her perso nal serv ices in the office personnel . District of Columbia, $59,060 . Agricultural chemical investigations : For conducting the investi- Chemical investiga- gations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (U. S. C., title 5, t'voi.12, p. 387. sees . 511, 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agricul- U.s.C.,p.58. ture ; for the biological investigation of food and drug products and drug

ood and substanc es used in the m anufactu re there of, inclu ding inv estigati ons of the p hysiolog ical eff ects of such pro ducts on the huma n organi sm ; to cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the develop- PrM ;, ment of methods of analysis, $465,150 : Provided, That the Bureau Cooper ation With of Ch emis try and Soil s co oper ate with the Bu reau of Stan dard s standards Bureau . without duplication . Color investigations : For investigation and e xperiment in the Utilizing raw mate- utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw rials for colorants . materi als g rown or pro duced in the United States, in cooperation with s uch p erson s, ass ociat ions, or co rpora tions as may be found necessary, including repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions A rling ton F arm, to a building on the Arlington Experimental Farm, $93,460 .

building . Sirup and sugar investigations : For the investigation and Bevel- Table sirup, etc . opment of methods for the manufacture of table sirup and sugar and of methods for the manufac ture of sweet si rups by the util ization of new agricultural sources, $37,700 . Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation Insecticide and fungi- t- development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fun- °ide investigations . g icides , and for invest igati ng ch emical prob lems relati ng to the