1283 tion, civilian employees who are entitled to subsistence at public expense, and general prisoners while sick in hospitals, to be paid to the surgeon in charge ; advertising ; for providing prizes to be estab- Adver tising . lisped by the Secretary of War for enlisted men of the Army who priz es for bake rs and graduate from the Army schools for bakers and cooks, the total cooks . amount of such prizes at the various schools not to exceed $900 per annum ; and for other necessary expenses incident to the purchase, testing, care, preservation, issue, sale, and accounting for subsistence supplies for the Army ; in all, $21,237,708 : Pr ovided, That none of Proviso . the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the purchase st is Oleomargarine ro- of oleomargarine or butter substitutes for other than cooking pur- poses, except to supply an expressed preference therefor or for use where climatic or other conditions render the use of butter imprac- ticable . Regular supplies of the Army : Regular supplies of the Quarter- te Rs supplies . Corps, including their care and protection ; stoves required for the use of the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks, and quarters, and recruiting stations, and United States disciplinary barracks ; also ranges, stoves, coffee roasters, and appliances for cooking and serving food at posts in the field and when traveling, and repair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances ; authorized issues of candles and matches ; for post bakery and bake- Bakeries, ice, etc. oven equipment and apparatus ; for ice for issue to organizations of enlisted men and offices at such places as the Secretary of War may det ermine, and for p reservation of s tores ; aut horiz ed i ssues of s oap, toilet paper, and towels ; for the necessary furniture, textbooks, pis urn e ure,schoofsup paper, and equipment for the po st schools and libraries, and for sch ools for noncommi ssioned officers ; for the pur cha se a nd i ssu e of instruments, office furniture, stationery, and other authorized articles for the use of officers' schools at the several military posts ; for pur- chase of commercial newspapers, market reports, and so forth ; for the tableware and mess furniture for kitchens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted men, including recruits ; for forage, salt, and m Forage etc ., for ani. vin egar for the hors es, mules, oxen, and other draft and riding ani- mals of the Quartermaster Corps at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the field, for the horses of the several regi- ments of Cavalry and batteries of Artillery and such companies of Infantry and Scouts as may be mounted, and for remounts and for the authorized numbe r of officers' h orses, including bedding for the animals ; for seeds and implements required for the raising of forage at remount depots and on military reservations in the Hawaiian . Philipp ine, and Panama Canal Departments, and for labor and expenses incident thereto, including, when specifically authorized by the Secretary of War, the cost of irrigation ; for the purchase of i mplements and hi re of labor for harvesting hay on military reserv a- tions ; for straw for soldiers' bedding, stationery, typewriters and stationery , etc . exchange of same, including blank books and blank forms for the Arm y, certificates f or discharged so ldiers, and for printing depart- men t orders and repo rts, $5,403,711 . Cl oth ing and equipage : For cloth, woolens, materials, and for the p
- uChase, etmanufao-
purchase and manufacture of clothing for the Army, including ture, etc . retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, for issue and for s a le ; for payment of comm utation of cloth ing due to warran t officers of the Mine Planter Service and to enlisted men
for altering and f itting clothing and washing and cleaning when nec essary
- for opera-
Laundries. tion of laundries, including purchase and repair of laundry machin- e ry ; for the authorized issue s of laundry mat erials for use of gen- e ral prisoners co nfined at milita ry posts without pay or allowance s, and for applicants for enlistment while held under observation
- for
equipment and repair of equipment of dry-cleaning plants, salvage