SEV EN TY- FI RST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 279 . 1931 .
1285 purch ase, manuf actu re (i nclud ing both mater ial a nd l abor) , mai n- tenance, hire, and repair of packsaddles and harness ; for the pur- pa ehTarmstroBot (talk) ett and chase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of wagons, carts, drays , oth er ve hicl es, a nd ho rse- drawn and motor -pro pelle d pas s- enger-carrying vehicles required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official military and garrison purposes ; for hire of draft and ack animals ; for travel allowances to officers and Travel allowances, h
enlisted men, National enlisted men on discharge ; to officers of National Guard on dis_ Guard, etc . charge from Federal service as prescribed in the Act of March 2, 42 Vol.102, p. 902; Vol. 1901 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 751) ; to enlisted men of National Guard u .S. C., p.197. on discharge from Federal service, as prescribed in amendatory Act of September 22, 1922 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 752) ; and to members of the National Guard who have been mustered into Federal service and discharged on account of physical disability ; in all, $14,472,585, of which amount not exceeding $696 600 shall be available immedi- Amount for fuel and transportation thereof ately, not exceeding $250 .000 being for the procurement and trans- immediately available . portation of fuel for the service of the fiscal year 1932 . No money approp riated by th is Act shall be exp ended for th e hire , stMooor vehic le re . opera tion, main tena nce, or re pair of a ny mo tor-p rope lled vehic le which shall be employed wholly or in part for personal, social, or similar use, except such use as is prescribed by order for transport- Allowance . ing children of Army personnel to and fro m school, and Army personnel in connection with the recreational activities of the Army . None of the fund, appropriated in this Act, unless expressly made vehr ch se of motor available for the purpose, shall be used for the purchase or exchange of motor-propelled freight-carrying or passenger-carrying vehicles for the Army, except those that are purchased solely for experi- mental purpos es, in exces s of t he fol lowing quanti ties a nd cos ts per vehicle delivered and completely equipped, including the value of a vehicle exchanged : Fourteen truck chassis at $7,200, twenty-two Price limitation truck chassis at $4 .250, seventy-six truck chassis at $2,800, twenty- seve n tr uck chas sis at $1,7 50, twen ty-f our pas seng er-c arry ing vehicle s at $ 2,000, seven such vehicl es at $ 600, a nd one hundr ed and ten motor cycles at $300 : Provided? That during the fiscal year 1932 ost of tra ns por ts the cost of transportation from point of origin to the first point of tion charged to appro- priatio ns from which storage or consumption of supplies, equi pment, and material in sup pl ies p roc ur ed . connection with the manufacturing and purchasing activities of the Quartermaster Corps may be charged to the appropriations from which such supplies, equipment, and material are procured . HORSES, DRAFT AND PACK ANIMALS
Horses . For the purchase of draft and pack animals, $82,500 ; for the pur- Purchase, etc' chase of horses wi thin limi ts as to age, sex, and size to be pr escribed by the Secretary of `Var for remounts for officers entitled to public mounts, for the United States Military Academy, and for such organizations and me mbers of the military service as may be required to be mounted, and for all expenses incident to such pur- chases (including $132,500 for encouragement of the breeding of fng nofcoc aggorshes . riding horses suitable for the . Army, in cooperation with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, including the pur- chase of animals for breeding purposes a nd their maintenance), $248,120 ; in all, $330,620 . MILI TARY P OSTS
Military posts . For construction and installation at militar
osts including the constru ction, etc . , y p. .
oblig ations . United States Military Academy, of buildings, utilities, and appur- tenances thereto, including interior faciliti es, neces sary serv ice con- nections to water, sewer, g as, and e lectric m ains, and similar improve- ments, all within the autliorized limits of cost of such buildings, as