SEVEN TY-F IRST CONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 279 . 1931 . purchase, manufacture, and issue of special clothing, wearing Disposal of surplus apparel, and similar equipment for aviation purposes ; for all neces- equipment, etc . sary expenses connected with the sale or disposal of surplus or obsolete aeronautical equipment, and the rental of buildings, and other facilities for the handling or storage of such equipment ; for Consulting engineers . the services of not more than four consulting engineers at experi- mental stations of the Air Corps as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 a day for not exceeding fifty days each and necessary traveling expenses ; purchase of special apparatus and appliances, repairs and replace- ments of same used in connection with special scientific medical research in the Air Corps ; for maintenance and operation of such plants, Outside etc. e printing Air Corps printing plants outside of the District of Columbia as may be authorized in accordance with law ; for publications, station special services .
librari es, special furniture, supplies and equipment for offices, shops, Proaisos .and laboratories ; for special services, including the salvaging of . Des ignat ed al lot- wrecked aircraft, $31,479,635 : Provided, That not to exceed $3,806 ; ments .
211 from this appropriation may be expended for pay and expenses Civilian employees . of civilian employees other than those employed in experimental and research work ; not exceeding $2,310,377 may be expended for Experimental and re- experimental and research work with airplanes or lighter-than-air search work' craft and their equipment, including the pay of necessary civilian employees ; not exceeding $300,000 may be expended for the produc- tion of lighter-than-air equipment ; not less than $15,296,231 shall New airplanes, etc • be expended for the production or purchase of new airplanes and their equipment, spare parts, and accessories ; and not more than Dam age clai ms . $6,000 may be expended for settlement of claims (not exceeding $250 each) for damages to persons and private property resulting from the operation of aircraft at home and abroad when each claim is substantiated by a survey report of a board of officers appointed by the commanding officer of the nearest aviation post and approved by s nms available forin- the Chief of Air Corps and the Secretary of War : Provided further, cuVo l . obligations . 61 .' That the sum of $240,800 of the appropriation for Air Corps, Army, fiscal year 1929, shall remain available until June 30, 1932, for the payment of obligations incurred under contracts executed prior to reEtr ted equipment July 1, 1029 : Provided further, That none of the money appropri- ated in this Act shall be used for the purchase of any airplane ordered after the approval of this Act which is equipped or pro- pelled by a Liberty motor or by any motor or airplane engine purchased or constructed prior to July 1, 1920 . MED ICA L DE PAR TMEN T ARMY MED ICAL AND HOS PITAL DEPART MENT Medical Depart- ment . Medical and hospital For the manufacture and purchase of medical and hospital sup- supplles' plies including disinfectants for military cam ps, h ohosp ital s hos pital sh ips nd tr ansports , for la undry posts , rk fr enlitd m and Army nurses while patients in a hospital, and supplies required for mosquito destruction in and about military posts in the Canal Zone ; for the purchase of veterinary supplies and hire of veterinary sur- services, etc ., for eons ; for inspection service and instruction furnished by the Agricultural Depart- g went. Department of Agriculture which may be transferred in advnce ; for expenses of medical supply depots ; for medical care and treat- ment not otherwise provided for, including care and subsistence in Private treatment . private hospitals of officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Army, of applicants for enlistment, and of prisoners of war and other persons in military custody or confinement, when entitled