Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1335

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1292 Schoo l . Equipment, mainte- nance, etc . Incidental expenses . Travel expenses of officors. Proviso . In lieu of mileage . Eq uipm ent of troo ps. Materials, supplies, For pont oon m ateri al, tools , ins trum ents, supp lies , and appl i- ete . ances required for use in the engineer equipment of troops, for mil- itary surveys, and for engineer operations in the field, including the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of the necessary motor cycles ; the purchase and preparation of engineer manuals a nd for a reserve supply o f above equipmen t, $203,870 . Field operations . expenses. For exp enses in cident to militar y engine er opera tions in the field, including the purchase of material and a reserve of material for suc h operat ions, the rental of store houses w ithin and outside of the District of Columbia, the operation, maintenance, and repair of ho rse-d rawn and motor -pro pelle d pas seng er-ca rryin g ve hicle s


the execut ion of topographic and other s urveys and preparation and reproduction of maps for military purposes, and for research and development of surveying by means of aerial photography and in field reproduction methods ; for services of surveyors, survey parties, draftsmen, photographers, master laborers, clerks, and other employees to Engineer officers on the staffs of division, corps area, and depart ment commanders, and such expe nses as are ordinarily provided for under the appropriation for "Engineer depots,' ,$2 16,75 2, of whic h $11 7, 580 shall be available immediately and Proviso.

remain available until December 31 1932 : Provided That so much Temporary construe-

9 tion work for training of this appr opriation as is necessary to provi de facilities for engineer on ly

training of troops may be expended for military construction work of at emporary character at camps and cantonments and at training are as for t raining p urposes only . In cid ent al Surveyors, assistants, etc . Ordn ance D epart- ment. Ordnance service and supplies. Manufacture, issue, etc. Current expenses . SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 279 . 1931 . EN GIN EER SCHOOL For equipment and maintenance of the Engineer School, includ- ing purchase and repair of instruments, machinery, implements, models, boats, and materials for the use of the school and to provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction of Engineer offi- cers and troops in their special duties as sappers and miners ; for land mining, pontoniering, and signaling ; for purchase and binding o f scient ific and professi onal wor ks, pape rs, and periodic als treat - ing on military engineering and scientific subjects ; for textbooks and books of reference for the library of the United States Engineer S ch oo l ; for incident al expen ses of t he schoo l, includ ing chem icals, stationery, hardware, machinery, and boats ; for pay of civilian clerks, draftsmen, electricians, mechanics, and laborers ; for compensation of civilan lecturers ; for unforeseen expenses ; and for travel expenses of officers on journeys approved by the Secretary of War and made for the purpose of instruction, $22,820 : Provided, That the travel- ing expenses herein provided for shall be in lieu of mileage and o th er al low an ces ; and for o ther abs olutely necessar y expens es . ENGI NEER E QUIPME NT FOR TROOP S ENGINEER OPERATIONS IN THE FIELD ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE SERVICE AND SUPPLIES, ARMY For manufacture, procurement, storage and issue, including research, planning, design, development, inspection, test, alteration, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material together with the machinery, supplies, and services necessary thereto ; for supplies and services in connection with the general work of the