Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1337

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . C H. 279 . 1931 . Org aniz ing spe cia l gas troops . Current expenses . Infant ry Sch ool, F ort Banning, Ga. Instruction expenses . Tank Service . Civilian employees . Tank schools . Cavalry School, Fo rt Riley, Bans . Instruction expenses . Field Artillery activ- ities. Coast Artillery S cho ol, Fort Monroe, Va. Instruction expenses . fare Service and subscriptions to periodicals; for expenses incidental to the organization, training, and equipment of special gas troops not otherwise provided for, including the training of the Army in chemical warfare, both offensive and defensive, together with the necessary schools, tactical demonstrations, and maneuvers; for cur- rent expenses of chemical projectile filling plants and proving grounds, including construction and maintenance of rail transpor- tation, repairs, alterations, accessories, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $1,252,099, of which $53,727 shall be available immediately . CHIEF OF INFANTRY INFANTRY SCH OOL, FORT BENNING, G EORGIA F or the purc hase o f tex tbook s, boo ks of refer ence, scie ntific and professional papers; instruments and material for instruction, employment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services, and for the neces sary expe nses of in struction at the In fantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $42,243 . TA NK SERVICE Fo r paym ent of the neces sary civili an em ploye es to assis t in han- dling th e clerical w ork in the office of t he tank cen ter, tank s chools, and the various tank organization headquarters, including the office of the Chief of Infantry; and for the payment of the necessary mechanics to assist in repairing and preserving tanks in the hands of tank units, $25,7 40 . Incidental expenses in connection with the operation of the tank schools, $1,870 . CHI EF OF CAV ALRY CAVALRY SCHOOL, FORT RILEY, KANSAS Fo r the purch ase o f text books, book s of refer ence, scien tific and professional papers, instruments, and materials for instruction; employment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services; and for other necessary expenses of instruction at the Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kansas, $21,310 . CHIEF OF FIELD ARTILLERY .PILLD ARTIT,T,FRY INSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Instruction expenses . For the pay of empl oyees, the purch ase of book s, pam phlet s, pe ri- odicals, and newspapers, procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment for instruction purposes, and other expenses necessary in the operation of the Field Artillery School of the Army, and for the instruction of the Army in Field Artillery activities, $26,805 . CHIEF OF COAST ARTILLERY COAST ARTIT,T,FRY SC HOO L, FORT MO NR OE, VIRGINIA For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring and nautical instruments, special apparatus, and materials and for experimental purposes for the engineering and artillery and military art departments and enlisted specialists division; for purchase and binding of profession al books treating of military and scientific