Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1354

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1311 For salaries of Forei gn Servic e officer s or vice consuls while act ing as charge s d'affai res ad in terim or while in charge of a consul ate gen- eral or consulate during the absence of the principal officer, $30,000 . CLE RKS AT EMBASS IES AND LEGAT IONS For the e mploym ent of neces sary c lerks at the embass ies an d lega - tions, including salary during transit to and from homes in the United States upon beginning and after termination of services, $482 ,350 . CONTING ENT EXP ENSES, FOREIG N MISSI ONS To enable the President to provide at the public expense all such Contingent expenses, stationery, blanks, record and other books, seals, presses, flags, and missionss signs as he shall think necessary for the several embassies and legatio ns in the tr ansact ion of their busine ss, an d also for r epairs includin minor alterations repairs super vision reservation and Government proper- 9





ties abroad . maint enanc e of Gove rnmen t-own ed d iplom atic prope rtie s in forei gn Vol. 44, p. 403; Vol. pp 67, 971. count ries, and prop ertie s acq uire d und er th e Act app roved May 7, 45'i s. c., supp. IV, 1926, as amended (U. S . C ., Supp . III, title 22, sees . 291, 296), and p • 309 includi ng als o cust odial servic e, wat er, mat erials , supp lies, tools, Newspapers, etc . seeds, plants, shrubs, and similar objects ; newspapers (foreign and domestic), postage, telegrams, advertising, ice, and drinking water for office purposes, hire of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger- carryin g vehi cles, and pu rchase , main tenance , oper ation, and h ire of Uniforms. other passenger-carrying vehicles, uniforms, furniture, household nixmgs m furniture and furnishings, except as provided by the Act of May 7, Exceptions . 1926, as amended, for Government-owned or rented buildings when in the judgment of the Secretary of State it would be in the public interest to do so, not to exceed $50,000, typewriters and exchange of same, messenger service, purchase of launch for embassy at Con- stantinople not exceeding $15 ,000, and opera tion, main tena nce, and rental of launch for embassy at Constantinople not exceeding $3,500, compensation of kavasses, guards, dragomans, porters, interpreters, transl ators, and s upervi sors o f cons tructio n, com pensat ion of agent s and employees of and rent and other expenses for dispatch agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and New Orleans, traveling expenses of Diplomatic and Foreign Service officers, including attendance at trade and other conferences or congresses under orders of the Secretary of State as authorized by section 14 of the Act approved May 24, 1924 (U. S. C., title 22, sec. 16; U. S. C., Supp . III, title 22, sec . 16), miscellaneous expenses of embassies and legations, and for loss on bills of exchange to and from embassies and legations, including such loss on bills of exchange to officers of the United States Court for China, and payment in advance of rent of dispatch agencies, cost, not exceeding $350 per annum each of the tui- tion of F oreign Se rvice off icers ass igned for the stud y of the languages of A sia a nd Ea stern Eur ope, telep hone and other sim ilar servi ces under this appropriation are hereby authorized, $912,740 : Provided, That no part of this sum appropriated for contingent expenses, forei gn mis sions, shall be ex pended for sa laries or wa ges of perso ns (except interpreters, translators, and messengers) not American citi- zens performing clerical services, whether officially designated as clerks or not, in any foreign mission . EXPENSES OF FOREIGN S ERV ICE IN SPE CTO RS For the traveling expenses of Foreign Service officers detailed Foreign Service in . b

spectors . for insp ectio n whi le t ravel ing a nd in spec ting under ins truct ions Ante, p .1208 . from the Secretary of State, $25,000 . Charg 6s d' affai res a d interim, etc . Clerks at embassies and legations . Ante, p. 1207 . and fur. Launch, Constanti- nople . Purchase, etc, Dispat ch age ncies . Attendance at meet- ings, etc . Vol.43,p.143; Vol. 44,p.333. U.S.C.,P. Supp. IV, p.307. Loss by exc hange . 643 ; Rental advances of dispatch agencies . Proviso. No payment for cler- ical services to persons not citizens .