Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1358

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1315 WATER BOUNDARY , UNITED STA TES AND MEXICO For expenses of meeting the obligations of the United States Mex ic an Water under the treaties of 1884, 1889, 1905, and 1906 between the United Boundary Co mm s States and Mexico, including rent, purchase, maintenance, and oper- 26, pl. 24, p 1011; Vol . ation of motor -propelled ve hicles, insta llation, maint enance, and 2-1 y3- operation of gauging stations where necessary and their equipment, and so much of the amount herein appropriated as may be neces- sary for these purposes may be transferred by the Secretary of Transfer to Geologi- State to the United States Geological Survey for direct expenditure, cal Survey . $71,060 . BOUNDARY TRE ATY OF 1925 BETWEEN THE UNITED STA TES AND GREA T BRITAIN : INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA AND ALASKA AND CANADA To enable the President to perform the obligations of the United 10B° U nite Stt reat y and States under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain Great Britain . in respect of Canada, signed February 24, 1925 ; for salaries and Vol44,p .2102.r expenses, including the salary of the commissioner and salaries of the necessary engineers, clerks, and other employees for duty at the seat of government and in the field ; cost of office equipment and supplies ; necessary traveling expenses ; commutation of subsist- ence to employees while on field duty not to exceed $4 per day each

for payment for timber necessarily cut in keeping the boundary line clear, not to exceed $500 ; and for all other necessary and rea- sonable expenses incurred by the United States in maintaining

tablished lines an Maintenance °f es effective demarcation of the international boundary line between the United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada under the terms of the treaty aforesaid, including the employment of one mathematician to complete the remaining work required under the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal and existing treaties between the United States and Great BritaiV, to be disbursed under Pr oois° the direction of the Secretary of State, $49,790 : Provi ded, That Subsistence of Com- when the commi ssioner, or t he engineer t o the commissi oner, shall missi oner and e ngine er, be absent from Washigton or their regular place of residece on absent on official bnsi- oflicial business they shall be allowed actual and necessary expenses of subsistence not to exceed $8 per day each . INTERNATIONAL PRISON COMMISSION International Prison For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of Commission . the International Prison Commission, and the expenses of a com- mission, including preparation of reports, $5,500 . PAN AM ERICAN UNION Pan American Union, Quota for For the payment of the quota of the United States for the sup- and printing . port of the Pan American Union, $160,603 .20, and for printing and binding of the union, $20,000 ; in all, $180,603 .20 . support INTER NATIONAL BUREAU OF THE PE RMANENT COURT OF ARBITRAT ION International

Bu- To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the reau, Permanent Court calendar year 1930 of the International Bureau of the Permanent of Vb '36 . P. 2222 . Court of Arbitration, created under article 43 of the convention concluded at The Hague, October 18, 1907, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, $2,000.