SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III . Cu. 282. 1931. permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia there is appropriated such suns as is necessary for said purpose during the fiscal year 1932, to be paid wholly out of the revenues of the Dis- trict of Columbia : Provided, That this •a ppropriation shall be avail- able to carry out the provisions of existing law for the opening, extension, widening, or straightening of alleys and minor streets and for the establishment of building lines in the District of Colu mbia . Repairs : For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, alleys, including purchase, exchange, maintenance, and operation of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, and the rental of necessary garage space therefor ; and including the sur- facing and resurfacing, or replacement, with the same or other approved materials, of such asphalt or concrete pavements as may be done within the funds available under this appropriation, $1,175,000 Provid ed, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to replace the existing municipal asphalt plant at a cost not to exceed $20,00 0 . This appropriation shall be available for repairing pavements of street railways when necessary ; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad companies as provided by section 5 of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June 11, 1878, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are collected . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to fix or alter the respective widths of side walks and roa dways (includ ing tree space s and park- ing) of all highways that may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act . For construction and repair of sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and municipal and United States buildings, $30,000 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be avail- able for rep airi ng, resu rfac ing, or newl y pa ving any str eet, ave nue, or roadway by private contr act unless th e specificatio ns for such work shall be so prepared as to permit of fair and open competition in paving material as well as in price . In addition to the provision of existing law requiring contractors to keep new pa vements in re pair for a pe riod of one ye ar from the date of the completion of the work, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall further require that where repairs are necessary during the four years following the said one-year period, due to inferior work or defective materials, such repairs shall be made at the expense of the contract or, and the b ond furnished by the con- tractor shall be liable for such expense . For widening to eighty feet and repaving the roadway of B Street, Northwest, from Fourteenth Street to Virginia Avenue, in accord- ance with plans therefor to be jointly approved by the National Capit al Par k and Plann ing Co mmissi on and the Commis sioner s of the District o f Columbia, i ncluding the necessary reco nstruction, reloca tion, c hanges , and a djustme nts of all wa ter mai ns, se wers, t rees, sidewalks, lamp-posts, fire hydrants, or other structures affected and includ ing per sonal service s and a ll nec essary inciden tal ex penses, at a total cost not to exceed $168,500, of which sum $101,100 is hereby appr opri ated out of the reve nues of the Dist rict of Colu mbia , to be immediately available, and not to exceed $67,400 shall be transferred from and in accordance with the appropriation in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1932, for the construction of the Arlington Memorial Bridge . Repairs, etc . Vol. 20, p. 105. 1387 I ndefi nite appr opria - tions for, from District revenues . Proviso . Alley improvements, establishing building lines, etc . Proviso . Replacing a sphalt plant . Street railways, pave- ments. Changing sidewalk widths, etc. Sidewalks and curbs. Open competition for street repair, etc., con- tracts . Repairs for interior work, etc ., by con- tractor required for addi tiona l pe riod . B Street NW. Widening and repav- ing, Fourteenth Street to Virginia Avenue . Post, p . 1420. Relo cati on of ser vice mains, trees, etc. Amount from D is- trict revenu es . Sum from Arl ingt on Memorial Bridge . Ante, p. 1356.