SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 282. 1931 . expenses of commitments to the District Training School, including persona l servi ces, $1 0,600 . Miscellaneous court expenses : For such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney General for the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia and its officers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and including such expenses other than for per- sonal services as may be authorized by the Attorney General for the Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, $85,000 . Printing and binding : For printing and binding for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, except records and briefs in cases in which the United States is a party, $4,500 . PUBLIC WE LFARE 'BOARD OF PLBLIC WELFARE For personal services, $114,500 . DIVISION OF CHILD WELFARE Administration : For administra tive expenses , including pl acing and visiting children, city directory, purchase of books of reference and per iodical s not e xceedi ng $50, and al l offi ce . and sundry expenses, $4,000 ; and no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used for the purp ose of v isit ing any ward of the Boar d of Pub lic Welf are placed outside the District of Columbia and the States of Virginia and Maryland, and a ward placed outside said District and the States of Virginia and Maryland shall be visited not less than once a year by a voluntary agent or correspondent of said board, and that said board shall have power, upon proper showing, in its discretion, to discharge from guardianship any child committed to its care . For board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of said board by the courts of the District, and for temporary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred from place to place, with authority to pay not more than $1,500 each to institutions under sectarian control and not more than $400 for burial of children dying while under charge of the board, $232 .940 . To carry out the purposes of the Act entitled "An Act to provide home care for dependent children in the District of Columbia," appr ove d Ju ne 22, 1926 (44 Stat ., pp . 758-760), including not to exceed $13,280 for personal services in the District of Co lumbia , $153 ,280 . For the maintenance, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Welfare, of a suitable place in a building entirely separate and apart from the House of Detention for the reception and detention of children under seventeen years of age arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia, or committed to the guardianship of the board, or held as witnesses, or held temporarily, or pending hearing, or otherwise including transportation, food, clothing, medicine and medical supplies, rental, repair, and upkeep of buildings, fuel, gas, electricity, ice, supplies and equipment, and other necessary expenses including not to exc eed $20,26 0 for p ersona l servi ces, $4 2,360 . The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the director of public welfare, upon requisitions pre- viously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia and upon such security as may be required of said director by the com- missioners, sums of money not to exceed $400 at any one time, to be used for expenses in pl acing and vis iting childre n, traveling on Miscel laneo us ex- pens es, au tho riz ed by Attorne y Gene ral . Pri nti ng and bi nd- ing . Public welfar e . 1403 Board of Public Wel- fare . Persona l servi ce . Child welfare divi- sion. Adm ini str ati ve ex- penses . Limitation on visit- ing wards of, outside the District, etc . Board, etc ., of chil- dr en . Home care of depend- ent children . Vol.44,p.758. Receiving, etc , home for children under 17 . Maintenance, etc . Advances to director . Limit .