Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1473

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III. CH. 318, 319 . 1931 . Appropriations au- SEC. 3. There is authorized to be appropriated such amounts as thorize dd may be necessary to provide for the making of loans to veterans by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs under the World War Ad- justed Compe nsatio n Act, as a mended . Title of Act .

SEC. 4. This Act may be cited as the " Emergency Adjusted Com- pensation Act, 1931 . " NICHOLAS LONGW ORTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives . CHARLES CURTIS, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate . Certificate of Senate. Certificate of House of Representatives . IN THE SENATE OF THE UNr1'ED STATES, February 17 (calendar day, February 27), 1931 . The Senate having proceeded to reconsider the bill (H . R .17054) entitled "An Act to increase the loan basis of adjusted service cer- tific ates," return ed by the Pres ident of the United States to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, with his objections, and passed by the House on a reconsideration of the same, it was Resolved, That the bill pass, two-thirds of the Senators present having voted in the affirmative . Att est EDWI N P. THAYER, Secretary. I certify that this Act originated in the House of Representatives WM. TYLER PAGE, Clerk . IN THE HousE or R EPRESE NTATI VES, February 26, 1931 . The Presiden t of the Unit ed States hav ing returned t o the House of Representatives, in which it originated, the bill (H. R. 170 54) entitled "An Act to increase the loan basis of adjusted service cer- tificates," with his objections thereto, the House proceeded, in pur- su ance of the Cons titu tion, to rec onsi der the same

and Res olv ed, That the bill pass, two-thirds of the House of Rep- resentatives agreeing to pass the same . Attest WM. TYLER PAGE, Clerk. February 27, 1931 . [S . 5959.] CHAP . 319 .-An Act Authorizing the purchase of the State laboratory at [Public, No. 744.] Hamilton, Montana, constructed for the prevention, eradication, and cu re of spotted fever . Public Health serv- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ice .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Sec retary Purchase of labo- of the Treasury is hereby authorized to purchase from the State of story at Hamilton, Mo nt .,fo rsp ott edf eve r Montana, at the actual co st of the sam e, to be deter mined by him, inves ed tio ns by, au- the laborato ry of the Sta te of Montana at Hamilton, Montana, with its equipmen t, constructe d for the pur pose of carryi ng on, and at which are carried on jointly by said State and the Bureau of Public Health, stud ies and resea rch for the p revention, era dication, and cure of spotted fever, and at which serum is produced for the treat- ment of patien ts suffering from such mal ady or likely to contract