SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Ca. 326. 1931 .
1435 of training duty ; subsistence of officers and enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve, Fleet Naval Reserve while performing authorized training or other subsistence. duty without pay ; pay, mileage, and allowances of officers of the Pay, etc . Naval Reserve and pay, allowances, and subsistence of enlisted men of the Naval Reserve when ordered to active duty in connection with the instruction, training, and drilling of the Naval Reserve ; pay of officers and enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve for the perform- ance of drills or other equivalent instruction or duty, or appropri- ate duties, and administrative duties, exclusive, however, of pay, allow ances, or o ther expens es on acco unt of memb ers of any class of Flight training, the Naval Reserve incident to their being given flight training unless, as a condition precedent, they shall have been found by such agency as the Secretary of the Navy may designate physically and psycho- lo gically qual ified to se rve as pilo ts of naval aircraft, $4,620,835, of which amount not more than $160,000 shall be available for main- Armories, wharfage, tenance and rental of armories, including pay of necessary janitors, etc . and for wharfage, not more than $81,000 shall be available for cleri- c al and mess enger servi ces f or Nav al Re serve admin istra tion i n nav al station, and districts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, not less than $906,156 shall be available, in addition to other appropria- tions, for aviation material, equipment, fuel, and rental of hangars, Aviation . and not more than $575,839 shall be available, in addition to other appropriations, for fuel and the transportation thereof, and for all Fuel, etc . other expenses in connection with the maintenance, operation, repair, and upkeep of vessels assigned for training the Naval Reserve . NAVAL RESERVE Ot'r7CERS' TRAINING CORPS Naval Reserve 051. cers' Training Corps . For the procurement maintenance, and issue, under such regula- a Procuring nngt o upplies, tions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, to institu- tions at which one or more units of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps are established, of such means of transportation, books, supplies, tentage, equipment, and uniforms as he may deem necessary, and all other miscellaneous items, including cleaning and laundering of uniforms and clothing at camps or on board ship ; and to pay commutation in lieu of uniforms at a rate to be fixed annually by the Secretary of t he Navy ; for transp ortin g sup plies and e quip- ment from place of issue to the several institutions, training camps, and ships and return of same to place of issue when necessary ; for Expenses of training the establishment and maintenance of camps of instruction, and camps and ship schools . schools on ships for the further practical instruction of members of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and for transporting members of such corps to and from camps, ships, or other designated places of instruction , and to subsist them while traveling to and from such camps or ships and while remaining therein so far as appropriations will permit or, in lieu of transporting them to and tra commut ation tin of from such camps or ships and subsisting them while en route, to pay them travel allowance at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the distance by the shortest usual ly traveled route from the places from which they are authorized to proceed to the camp or ship and for the return journey thereto, and to pay the return travel pay in advance of the actual performance of the travel ; for pay of students attending advanced camps or advanced schools on ships at the rate prescribed for enlisted men of the seventh pay grade ; for the payment of corn- Subsistence commu- mutation of subsistence to members of the senior division of the tatson to senior divi- sion . Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, at a rate not exceeding the cost of the commuted ration of the Navy ; for medi cal an d hos pital m medica l, etc ., t rea t- treatment, subsistence until furnished transportation, and transporta- tion when fit for travel to their homes of members of the Naval Reserve Officers' Tra ining Corps injured in line of duty while at