Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1486

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1443 insane of the Navy and Marine Corps on the Pacific coast including Care, etc, of insane y

b on Pacific coast . supernumeraries held for transfer to the Government Hospital for the Insane ; for dental outfits and dental_ material ; and all other necessary cont ingent expens es ; in al l, $2, 080, 000 : Pr ovid ed, That - rov isai, etc ., serv- the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of lees . the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical service in naval hospitals, dispensaries, medical supply depots, and Naval Medical School, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, shall not exceed $150,000 . CA RE OF THE DE AD For the care of the dead ; for funeral expenses and interment or Expenses of inter- ment of officers, etc ., transportation to their hom es or to desi gnated cemeter ies of the dying in service, etc . remains of officers (including officers who die within the United States) and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Corps, reservists on active or training dut y, and accepted applicants for enlistment, civilian employees of the Navy dying 8'boad employees Department and Naval Establishment who die outside of the con- tinental limit s of the Unit ed States, an d former enlis ted men who are discharged while in naval hospitals and are inmates of said hospitals on the date of their death ; for funeral expenses and inter- ment of the remains of pensioners and destitute patients who die in naval hospitals ; for purchase and care of cemetery lots ; for removal of remains from abandoned cemeteries to naval or national ceme- teries, or to their h omes, includi ng rema ins in terred in isol ated g raves at ho me and abroa d, an d rema ins te mporar ily i nterre d, $75,000 : Prov ided , That the abo ve pro vision shall a pply i n the c ase of office rs Proviso . officers, etc ., and enlisted m en of the Nav y and Marine Corps on the r etired list on active duty in- who die while on active duty .

eluded . BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS MAINTENANCE , BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS Care of the dead . Bureau of Yards and Docks . For the labor, materials, and supplies necessary, as determined by General maintenance . the Secretary of the Navy, for the general maintenance of the activi- ties and properties now or hereafter under the cognizance of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, including accident prevention ; the pur- vehicles . chase, exchange (including parts), maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of passen ger-carrying vehicles for the Navy Depar tment (not to exceed ten in number) and the Naval Establishment not otherwise provided for ; not to exceed $1,250,000 for clerical, inspection, draft- Clerical, etc., serv- ing, messenger, and other classified work in the field, and part time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia, or else- where, of such engineers and architects as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $25 per diem for any person so employed, $9,0 14,8 16 : Provided, That during the fiscal year 1 932, the motor-propelled Provisos . of passen- passenger-carry ing vehicles to be purchased hereunder shall not ger vehicles limited exceed the f ollowi ng re specti ve num bers a nd costs : Fourteen at $1,800 each, and forty-eight at $600 each, ten motor cycles at $400 each, and three motor busses at $4,000 each : Provided further, That et Limit of operation, expenditures from appropriations contained in this Act for the main- tenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, including the compensation of operators, shall not exceed in the aggregate $110,000, exclusive of such vehicles owned and operated by the Marine Corps in connection with expeditionary duty without Marine Corps, out- side continental limits the continental limits of the United States and motor cycles, and on excluded . any one vehicle shall not exceed for maintenance, upkeep, and repair,