SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II . CH. 92. 1930 .
113 Transporting remains of Foreign Service officers and clerks : For defraying the expenses of transporting the remains of Diplomatic, Co nsul ar, and Fore ign Serv ice offi cer s of the Uni ted Stat es, incl udin g the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- priations for the Department of State for the following fiscal years For 1928, $403 .59 ; For 1929, $1,195 .78, including also unpaid expenses to the amount of $1,158 of the funeral and interment of Myron T . Herrick, late ambassador to France . Salaries, charges d'affaires ad interim : For salaries of Foreign Service officers or vice consuls while acting as charge d'affaires ad interim or while in charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence of the principal officer for the following fiscal years For 1927, $94 .63 ; For 1928, $2,810.96 ; For 1929, $3,505 .57 . Transportation of Foreign Service officers and clerks : To pay the traveling expenses of Diplomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers and clerks to embassies, legations, and consulates, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- priations for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1930, $50,000 ; and there is continued available for the same purposes until J un e 30, 193 0, the unexpe nded balances in the appro priations mad e under this head for the fiscal year 1929 . Transporting re- ma ins of o ffice rs, etc . Funeral of Myron T. Herrick. Charg es d'affaires a d interim. Transportation, etc ., expenses . Balance available . Vol.45,p.68. Inter national obliga - IN TERN ATI ONAL OBL IGA TION S, COMM ISS IONS , ETC .
tio ns, etc . International Prison Commission : For subscription of the United commis International Prison sion . State s as an adher ing member of the Interna tional Prison Commis- sion, and the expe nses of a com mission, inc luding prepar ation of reports, for the fiscal years that follow For 1927, $2,747 ; For 1928, $2,863 ; For 1929, $2,921 . Waterways treaty, United States and Great Britain International Cana dian Boundar y y>
waters Joint Commis- Joint Commission, United States and Great Britain : For an addi- Sinn . Expen ses of technica l tional amount for necessary special or technical investigations in investigations . connection with the authorized work of the International Joint Com- mission, including personal services in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, traveling expenses, procurement of technical and scientific equipment, and the purchase, exchange, hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carry- ing vehicl es to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, who may transfer to any department or independent establish- ment of the Government, with the consent of the head thereof, any part of this amoun t for direct expenditure by such depar tment or es tabl ishm ent for the purp oses of thi s ap prop riat ion, fis cal year 1930, $6,983 .36. Waterways treaty, United States and Great Britain, International Additional amount . Joint Commission, United States and Great Britain : For an addi- tional amount for the waterways treaty, United States and Great Brita in, Internati onal Joint Co mmission, Un ited States a nd Great Britain, i ncluding the same objects spe cified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Depar tment of State for the fiscal year 1930, $6,600 .
"I'm Alone," schoon- Arbitration of claims su bmitted by Canada on account of the sink- er Arbitration of claim ing of the schooner I'm Alone : For the expenses of the consideration for sinking p, 1792 . and se ttlement, pursuant to the pro visions of the first paragrap h of Pose, P. 1581' Artic le IV of the convention be tween the Un ited States a nd Great Britain, signed January 23, 1924, of the claims submitted by Canada 57894•-31-8