1535 northwest quarter section 25 ; lot 3 northwest
lot7lot8 Description-Contd. quarter,
Los Ang ele s, etc ., and the south half southwest quarter, lot 6, and the southwest quarter calif., water supply. southeast quarter section 29 ; section 30 ; section 31 ; section 32 ; the west half southw est q uarte r, and the south east q uarte r sou thwest quarter section 33 ; all in township 9 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian : section 1 ; section 12 ; section 13 ; section 24 ; section 25 ; all in township 10 south, range 33 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; lot 1, lot 2, northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter section 4 ; the west half section 9 ; the east half northeast quarter, and the south- east quarter southeast quarter section 13 ; the southeast quarter sec- tion 17 ; lot 1, lot 2, southwest quarter section 18 ; the northeast quarter northeast quarter, the west half northeast quarter, lot 1, lot 2, northwest quarter, lot 1, lot 2, southwest quarter, and the north- west quarter southeast quarter section 19
- the north half section 20 ;
the east half southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 21 ; the southeast quarter northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, the west h alf s outhe ast qu arter , and the s outhe ast q uarter sout heast quarter section 22 ; the east half east half section 24 ; the east half east half, and the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 25; the west half we st half, and the southea st quarte r southw est quar ter section 26 ; section 27 ; the east half, the east half northwest quarter, and the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 28
- lot1,lot2,
northwest quarter, lot 2, and the north half lot 1, southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter southeast quarter section 30 ; lot 1, lot 2, southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 31
- the sout h-
east quarter northwest quar ter, and the south half sec tion 32; the north half northeast qu arter, the southeast quarte r north- east quart er and the south hal f section 33; section 34; the west ha lf wes t ha lf sec tio n 35; all in township 10 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 1 ; all in township 11 so uth, ran ge 33 ea st, Moun t Di ablo meridian ; section 1 ; the wes t hal f lot 2, the we st ha lf lot 1, northwest qua rt er, and the northwest qua rte r southwest qua rt er se cti on 2 ; section 3 ; section 4; section 5; section 6; section 8; the north half north half, and the southwest quarter northeast quarter section 9 ; the north half north half, the south half northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter southeast quarter section 10 ; the northwest quarter north- wes t qua rt er se cti on 11; the east half east half, the northwest quarter northeast quarter, the northeast quarter northwest quarter section 12 ; the northeast quarter northeast quarter section 13 ; the southeast quarter section 15 ; section 17 ; section 20 ; the northwest quarter section 21 ; th e northe ast quar ter north east qua rter sec tion 22; the we st ha lf northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 28 ; section 29 ; the north half section 32; the southwest qu art er se ct ion 33;allin township 11 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 6 ; section 7 ; section 18 ; section 19 ; the north half, the east half southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 30 ; the east half and the east half northwest quarter section 31
- all in township
11 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; lot 1, lot 2 north- east quarter, lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter section 3 ; the southwest quarter section 4 ; the west half section 9 ; the north half north half section 10 ; the south half northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, and the south half section 21; the west half southwest quarter section 22 ; the northwest quarter northwest quarter, the south half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 27 ; section 28 ; section 33 ; the southwest qua rt er southwest qu art er se ct ion 35; all in township 12 south,