Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1587

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Ca. 517 . 1931 . Description-Contd . west half, the southeast quarter, and the west half northeast quarter Cal if ., Angeles,

section 24 ; section 25 ; section 26 ; section 27 ; section 28 ; the north half section 29 ; the northwest quarter, and the south half southeast quarter section 32 ; the northeast quarter section 34 ; the north half, and the southeast quarter section 35 ; all in township 3 north, range 28 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest quarter section 1 ; the southeast quarter, and lot 1, lot 2 northeast quarter section 3

the southwest quarter, the south half southeast quarter, lot 2 north- east quarter, and lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter section 5 ; lot 2 northeast quarter section 6 ; all fractional section 8 ; the northwest quarter section 12 ; the north half, and the southwest quarter section 14 ; the southeast quarter section 15 ; the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 22 ; the west half east half, the east half west half, and the west half northwest quarter section 27 ; all fractional section 28 ; the southe ast quarter, the fractiona l southwest qu arter, the southeast quarter northeast quarter, and the fractional north half northeast quarter, section 32 ; section 33 ; the west half section 34 ; all in township 2 north, range 28 east, Mount Diablo merid- ian ; lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter section 4 ; the south half, lot 1, lot 2 northeast quarter, lot 1 and east half lot 2 northwest quarter section 5 ; the southeas t quarter, an d the fractio nal west half northeast quarter section 6 ; the east half, lot 1 and south half lot 2 northwest quarter, and lot 1, lot 2 southwest quar- ter section 7 ; the north half, and the west half southwest quarter se c t i o n 8 ; the west h alf northwest quarter, the southeast qua rter northwest quarter, and the north half southwest quarter section 17 ; the east half, and lot 1, lot 2 southwest quarter section 18 ; the north half northeast quarter, and lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter sec- tion 19 ; all in township 1 north, range 28 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the south half lot 2 northwest quarter section 19 ; the west half section 29 ; section 30 ; section 31 ; the west half northwest quarter section 32 ; all in township 3 north, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter, and lot 1, lot 2 southwest quarter section 6 ; all in township 2 north, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; all the unsurveyed portions of section 19, township 2 north, range 27 east, and sections 13 and 24 of township 2 north, range 26 east, known as Bird Island ; the west half northwest quarter section 4 ; the east half northeast quarter section 5 ; all in township 5 south, range 33 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest quarter sec- tion 35, towns hip 16 south, range 36 eas t, Mount Diabl o meridian ; lot 14, section 2, township 9 south, range 33 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 1, town- ship 9 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; that portion of wes t half lying northeast of boundary line of Owens Lake , section 23, township 16 south, range 37 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; lot 8, lot 9, lot 12, and lot 13, section 2, township 13 south, range 35 east, M ount Di ablo mer idi an ; the southeas t quarter sou thwest quarter section 13 ; the southwest quarter northeast quarter section 24, all in township 11 s outh, range 3 4 east, Mount Diablo meridi an ; l o t 1 , northwest quarter, and the south half northeast quarter section 31

the southwest quarter northwest quarter, the west half southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter southwest quarter section 32, all in towns hip 4 south, rang e 33 e ast, M ount Diablo merid ian ; th e southeast quarter southeast quarter section 23 ; the west half south- west quarter section 24 ; the west half northwest quarter section 25 ; the north half northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter northeast quart er section 26 , all in towns hip 5 south, range 32 east , Mount Diablo meridian ; the east half northwest quarter section 9 ; lot 2, the southeast quarter southwest quarter, and the south half south-