Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1590

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SE VEN TY- FIR ST CONGR ESS . SESS. III . C$. 517. 1931 .

1547 quarter northwest quarter northwest quarter, the southwest quarter Do nn`g ees,°o eic . southwest qua rt er northwest qu art er northwest quarter, the north callf , water supply. half south half northwest quarter northwest quarter, the north half northwe st quart er north west qua rter, th e west h alf nort hwest qu arter southwest quarter northwest quarter, the southeast quarter north- east quarter southwest quarter northwest quarter, the northwest quarter southwe st quart er, and the nort h half n ortheast quarter sec- tion 32; all in township 15 so uth, range 36 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southeast quarter section 18 (unsurveyed) ; the east half section 19 (unsurveyed)

the northwest quarter, and the south-

east quarter section 29 (unsurveyed) ; the northeast quarter northeast qua rt er se cti on 30 (unsurveyed)

the northeast quarter, and the north half southeast quarter section 32 (unsurveyed) ; all in town- ship 15 south, range 37 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; lot 2, lot 4, the west half east half, and the west half section 1 ; section 2 ; section 3 ; the north half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter northwest quarter (unsurveyed), lot 7, lot 8, lot 9, lot 10, lot 11, lot 12, the north half nor theast q uarter, the sout heast qu arter nor theast q uarter, and the east half southeast quarter section 4 ; the northeast quarter sec- tion 9 (unsurveyed)

the north half section 10 ; the north half, the

south half northeast quarter southwest quarter, the southeast quarter southwest quarter, the east half southwest quarter southwest quarter, the southeast quarter northwest quarter southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 11 ; section 12 ; section 13 ; the east half, the east half northwest quarter, the east half west half northwest quarter, the northwest quarter north west quarter northwest quar ter, the south half southwest quarter southwest quarter northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter section 14 ; the northeast quarter section 23 (unsurveyed) : lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, the west half east half, and the northwest quarter section 24 ; all in township 16 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest quarter section 3 (unsur- veyed) ; the east half, and the east half northwest quarter section 4 (unsurveyed) ; the north half northeast quarter, the northwest quar- ter, and the south half southeast' quarter section 10 (unsurveyed) ; the north half, and the southeast quarter section 11 (unsurveyed)

the west half, and the southeast quarter section 13 (unsurveyed)


east half, and the west half west half northwest quarter section 14 (unsurveyed) ; the north half northeast quarter, the sou thwest quarter northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, the west half south- east q uarte r (un survey ed), the no rthea st qu arter south west quar- ter, and the sou th half southwes t quarte r section 24 ; the no rth wes t quarter northeast quarter, the south half northeast quarter, the south- east quarter, and portion west half lying northeast of Owens Lake boundary section 25 ; the east half northeast quarter section 26 ; (that portion only lying northeast Owens Lake boundary) all in town- ship 16 south, range 37 eas t, Mount Diablo meridian ; f ract ion al southeast quarter southeast quarter section 29, township 2 north, range 28 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 1, township 3 south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the north half lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, and the southeas t quarter southwest quarte r section 19; all in township 3 north, ra nge 29 east, Mount Diablo m eridian ; the west half southwest quarter section 25 ; the east half southeast quarter section 26 ; all in township 4 south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the south half section 36, township 6 south, range 31 ea st, Mount Diablo b ase and meridian ; all in the State of Cali- for nia .

Lands w ithd rawn SEC. 2. That all lands withdrawn under the provisions of this subject to mineral less- Act shall at all times be open to exploration, discovery, occupation, ing laws, etcd and pu rchas e per mit or leas e unde r the mini ng or miner al le asing