Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1593

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. C xs. 520, 521. 1931 . " (b) For the purposes of subsection (a) and of section 3, oPeo- margarine shall be held to be yellow in color when it has a tint or shade containing more than one and six-tenths degrees of yellow, or of yellow and red collectively, but with an excess of yellow over red, measured in the terms of the Lovibond tintometer scale or its equiva- lent . Such measurements shall be made under regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, and such regulations shall provide that the measurements shall be applied in such manner and under such conditions as will, in the opinion of the commissioner, insure as nearly as practicable that the result of the measurement will show the color of the oleomargarine under the conditions under which it is customarily offered for sale to the consumer . " (c) The tax levied by this section shall be represented by coupon stamps ; and the provisions of existing laws governing the engraving, issue, sale, accountability, effacement, and destruction of stamps relating to tobacco and snuff, as far as applicable, are hereby made to apply to stamps provided for by this section ." M . 3 . That sect ion 15 of the Agricultural Marketin g Act, approved June 15, 1929, is amended by adding at the end thereof a new subdivision to read as follows : Agricultural co m- "( g) As used in this Act, the term ` agricultural commodity' m°cities construed . includes, in addition to other agricultural commodities, crude gum (oleoresin) from a living tree, and the following prod ucts as processed by the original producer of the crude gum (oleoresin) from which derived : Gum spirits of turpentine and gum rosin, as def ined in the Naval Stores Act, app roved Ma rch 3, 1923 ." SEC . 4 . This Act shall take effect upon the expiration of ninety days after the date of its enactment except section 3, which shall take effect upon the approval of this Act . Approved, March 4, 1931 . Artificial coloring . Measurement of. Regulations prescribed . Stam ps. Agricultural Market. Ing Act, amended . Ante, p .18 . Vol .42,p . 1435. Effective date . March 4, 1931 . [H. R. 18982 .1 [Public No . 868 .] Veterans' Adminis- tration . Additional hospital, domiciliary, etc ., facili- ties , for p ersons u nder care of, authorized . Purchase of existing plants, etc. to be CHAP. 521 .-An Act To authorize an appropriation to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facilities for persons entitled to hospitalization under the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, and for other purposes . Be it en acted by the Sena te and H ouse o f Represe ntatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That in order to provide sufficient hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facilities to care for the increasing load of disabled veterans of all wars and t o enable the Veterans Administration to care for its beneficiaries in Veterans' Administration institutions, rather than in contract temporary facilities and other institutions, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, subject to the approval of the President, is hereby authorized to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facilities for persons entitled to hospitaliza- tion or domiciliary care under the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, or the various laws pertaining to the Bureau of National Homes, formerly the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers, by purchase, replacement, and remodeling or extension of exist- ing plants, and by construction on sites now owned by the Govern- ment or on sites to be acquired by purchase, condemnation, gift, or otherwise of such hospitals, domiciliary and out-patient dispensary facilities to include the necessary buildings and auxiliary structures, me chani cal equip ment, app roach work , ro ads, and t rack age f acili - ties leading thereto, sidewalks abutting hospital reservations, vehi- cles, livestock, furniture, equipment, and accessories ; and also to