Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1619

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SE VEN TY- FIR ST CONG RESS . SEss. III. CH. 522 : 1931 . authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to settle claims for damages to private property arising from collisions with naval vessels," appr oved Decem ber 28 , 192 2 (U. S. C., title 34, sec. 599), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 761, Seventy-first Congress, $3,143 .56 . Navigation Bur eau .

BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Continuous service C on t in ge nt : For continuous servic e certificates, and so forth, certificates .

including the same objects specified under this head in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, $4,4 00 . Memorial tablet, Na- For the installation of a memorial tablet in Memorial Hall at the v al Academy .

United States Naval Academy in commemoration of the officers and men who lost their lives in the United States submarine S-4 on Ante, p.826.

December 17, 1927, as authorized by the public resolution approved June 27, 1930 (46 Stat., p . 826), fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $400 . Transportation. Transportation : For travel allowance, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Naval Appropria- tion Act for the fiscal year 1923, $49.86 . Supplies and Ac- counts Bureau. Vol. 42, p. 1066. U.S.C.,p.1127. M aintenan ce, etc . For fuel ; the removal and transportation of ashes and garbage from ships of war ; bo ok s ; blanks, st ationery, a nd so forth , including the same objects specified under this head in the Naval Appropria- tion Act for the fiscal year 1927, $6,398 .82 . P ay, su bsiste nce, a nd Pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy : The limitation on transportation. e xpe ndit ure s fo r " cash prizes fo r men for excellence in gunnery, target practice, and engineering competitions " under the appropria- tion "Pay, Subsistence, and Transportation," for the fiscal year 19 31, is hereby increased from $55,000 to $66,600 . Yards and Docks Bur eau . Maintenance. Ante, p. 568. Public works . BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS BURE AU OF YA RDS AND DOCKS Maintenance : The limitation in the appropriation for Mainte- nance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, contained in the naval appropria- ti on Act for the fiscal year 19 31, on the amount which may be ex pended for clerical, inspection, drafting, messenger, and other classified work in the field, is hereby increased to $1,2 38,00 6 . PUBLIC WORKS, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS Coco Solo, C . Z.

Naval air station, Coco Solo, Canal Zone : For the completion of the officers' quarters and quarters for married chief petty officers, Vol. 44,p.1840. au thorized by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1927 (44 Stat . 1340), $50,000 ; and the authorized cost of such projects is increased from Ammunition storage $ 384,00 0 to $434, 000. facilities .

Ammunition storage facilities, Navy : The unexpended balance Vol . 45, Unexpended balances 35. of the sum of $1,193,998 appropriated by the Second Deficiency Act, available .

fiscal year 1928, for " Ammunition storage facilities, Navy, fiscal Ante, p .111 . years 1928 and 1929," and continued available during the fiscal year 1 9 30 by the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, and during the fiscal year 1931 by the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1932 ; and the total Establishment inHa ° wa if

cost of the establishment and development of a naval ammunition . Amount increased . de pot in the Territor y of Hawai i, as aut horized by the Secon d Vol .

sos . Provisos.

Deficiency Act, fiscal year .1928, is increased from $3,540,000 to Acquisition of land. $4,000,000 : Provided, That $450,000 of the unexpended balance under appropriations heretofore made under this title shall be available