SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III . C$. 522. 1931 . Harlingen, Tex . Harlingen, Texas, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site an d const ruction of a b uilding , unde r an es timated total cost of $170,00 0 . Hatt iesb urg, Mis s . H atti esbu rg, Missi ssip pi, post off ice, and so f orth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $245,000 . Havana, Ill .
Havana, Illinois, post office, and so forth : For construction of a
building, under an estimated total cost of $70,000 .
Havre, Mont .
Havre Montana, post office, and so forth
- The limit of cost fixed
Cost increased.
> in the Act of May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 921), is hereby increased .pa i~e or courts, 9c. f ro m $200,000 to $250,000, and the Secretary of the Treasury is 45,
1, amended .
authorized to provide space for United States courts, and the title of Herkimer, N . Y.
the building is hereby changed to post office, courthouse, and so forth . Herkimer, New York, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $120,00 0. Hibb ing, M inn . Hib bing, Minnesota, post office, and so forth : For ac qui sit ion of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $135,00 0. Highland, nl .
Highland, Illinois, post office, and so forth : For construction of a
building, under an estimated total cost of $70,000 .
Hillsboro, Dl .
H illsbor o, Illi nois, post of fice, and so forth
- For acquisition of site
and construction of a build ing, un der an estimat ed tota l cost of $75,000 . Hobart, Okla .
Hobart, Oklahoma, post office, and so forth : For construction of
a building, under an estimated total cost of
Holton, Kans . _
Holton, Kansas, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site
and constr uction of a bu ilding , under an est imated total c ost of
$85,000 .
Honolulu, Hawaii .
Honolulu, Hawaii, immigrant station : For demolition of buildings,
construction of new buildings, outside service lines, lounging sheds
and courts , filli ng site , appr oach wo rk, and equipm ent, un der an
est imat ed t otal cos t of $415,00 0.
Hopkins, Minn .
Hopki ns, Minnesota, po st office, and so forth : For ac qui sit ion of
site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost
of $85,000 .
Hot Springs, S . Dak,
Hot S prings, South Dak ota, post office, and so forth : F or a cqu is i-
tion of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total
cost of $90,000.
Huntingdon, Tenn .
Huntingdon, Tennessee, post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $70,000 . Huntington, W . Va. Hunti ngton, West Virgi nia, post office a nd courthouse : F or ac qu i - sition of additional land and extension and remodeling of building, under an estimated total cost of $390,000. Mic bn Moun tain , Iron Mountain, Michigan, post office, and so forth
- For acquisition
of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost Provim Conditional
of $170,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury, in his acc ept . ance to site°
discretion, may accept a title to a site for such building which reserves or excepts all coal or other minerals with the right of mining same . Jackson, Tens Jackson, Tennessee, Post office and courthouse : For acquisition of additional land, demolition of building, and construction of a new building, under an estimated total cost of $350,000. Jacksonville, Tea . Jacksonville, Texas, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and constru ction o f a bu ilding, under an esti mated t otal co st of $135,000 . Jeannette, Pa . Jeannette, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $155,000.