S EVEN TY-FI RST CONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 92. 1930 . Air Corps .
AIR CORPS, AR MY at Constructing Idchool The sum of $100,000 appropriated by the Second Deficiency Act, Sum continuedd
fiscal year 1929, approved March 4, 1929, for technical construction Vol . 45, p.1665. Post, p . 1606,
for Air Corps, Army, na mely, school building at Maxwe ll Field , Alabama, is hereby continued and made available until June 30, 1931. Insular Affairs Bu- AU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS -U-- reau . Care of insane Fill- Care of insane Filipino soldiers : For a n additional amount for p Vol.35,p.122.
the care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums in the Philippine U.S.C.,p.681.
Islands of insane natives of the Philippine Islands, conforming to the Act of Congress approved May 11, 1908 (U . S . C ., title 24, sec . 198), fiscal year 1929, $1 .50. NONMILITARY ACT IV ITI ES FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Department . Yellow fever roll of Annuities to participants and beneficiaries in yellow fever experi- honor . An nuit ies .
ments : For payment of annuities at the rate of $125 per month, from i•meecneeed February 28, 1929, to June 30, 1930, as authorized by the Act approved February 28, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1409), to the persons named therein (including James " L ." Hanberry in lieu of James " F." Hanberry), except to Private John R . Kissinger and Private Clyde L . West, who shall be paid at the rate of $25 per month for . the same period in addition to the annuities of $100 per month paid to ea ch of them from appropriations made for that purpose in War Department Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $30,992 .50. Quartermaster Corps .
QUARTERMASTER CORPS Tomb of Unknown So ldi er
Construction of approaches and surroundings to the Tomb of . Constr ucting ap- the Unknown Soldier : For the construction of approaches and sur- prVol.45,pci378 .
r oundi ngs, toge ther with the neces sary adja cent roadw ays, to t he Post,p.1610. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in the Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, in accordance with the Act approved February 28, 1929 (45 Stat . p . 1378), $416,686, to remain available until June 30, 1931 . Signal C orps.
SIG NAL C ORPS Washington - Alaska Cable, etc . Rebuilding radio sta- tion at Nome . Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System : For rebuilding the radio station and quarters for personnel at Nome, Al aska, de stroyed b y fire D ecember 25, 1929 , includ ing the p rocure- ment and installation of radio equipment, and cost of transportation in connection with this project, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $25,000 . Ordnance Depart-
ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ment. Mol ine- Rock Isla nd Moline-Rock Island Bridge : For the construction of a new bridge Bridge, Ill . Construction of new across the South Branch of the Mississippi River from Sixteenth bridge .
Street, Moline, Illinois, to the east end of the island occupied by the Rock Island Arsenal, and removal of the existing bridge across said river at Fifteenth Street, Moline, Illinois, as authorized by the Act Vol.45,p.1492.
approved March 2, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1492), $225,000, and in addi- Repairs, etc . Reappropriation . tion thereto the sum of $50,000 appropriated in the War Depart- ment Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, approved March 23, 1928, fo r repairs and alterations, includi ng construction of a draw or lift span, of the bridge connecting the city of Moline, Illinois, with Rock Island Arsenal, is hereby reappropriated and made avail-