lxii INDEX. District of Columbia-Continued. Employees, excused on March 4, 1929, entitled to pay ________________ _ Fire department, appropriation for pay and allowances made available ___ _ Fire insurance, appropriation not to be used for payment oL ___________ _ Fiscal Relations, Committee on, House of Representatives _____________ _ Fund available for _______________ _ Fraternal' corporations may separate insurance and fraternal activities__ French veterans, World War, conven- tion at Washington, sum author- ized __________________________ _ Gasoline tax, road and street improve- Page 826 1024 955 1377 1377 158 1521 ments_________________________ 957 George Washington Bicentennial, ap- propriation authorized for, out of funds oC _ ___ _______ ______ _____ 1416 Horses, vehicles, etc., special authority from commissioners for using_____ _ 989 Howard University, transfer of title to certain property _ ________ _______ 1455 Klingle Ford Valley, land in conveyed for addition to park system_ ______ 222 Leaves of absence, if employed ten consecutive months_____________ 990 Library ot Congress, acquisition of property for, by condemnation pro- ceedings_______________________ 487 Logan Circle, name of Iowa Circle changed to ____________________ .. 1026 Louisiana Avenue, location designated_ 1420 Materials, supplies, vehicles, etc., pur- chase from Government stock no longerneeded ________________ 990,1414 Memorial, American Expeditionary Forces, Second Division, author- ized___________________________ 1515 Metropolitan police force, appropria- tion for pay and allowances made available __________________ .: _ _ _ _ 1024 Michigan Avenue grade crossing, modi- fied____________________________ 1087 Municipal architect's office, allotment to, for projects, increased_ _______ 96 Municipal government, appointment of employees in, authority for _______ 817 National Capital Park, etc., system ap- propriation authorized for develop- ment of, in_____________________ 485 Naval hospital, additional construction authorized________ ______________ 1419 Pan American Commercial Conference, appropriation authorized for ex- penses_________________________ 1199 Pennsylvania Gift Fountain Associa- tion, fountain by, authorized______ 797 Piney Branch Road, widening_ _______ 1109 District of Columbia-Continued. Police and firemen, salary reclassifica- tions __________________________ _ Policemen and' firemen's relief fund, payments from _________________ _ Post office, extension, etc____________ _ Poundmaster, authority of, as police officer _________________________ _ Private and semipublic building con- struction, regulations governing__ Public building construction, amounts authorized for, extended ________ _ Sites, regulations governing acqui- ffition _______________________ _ Public Schools- Buildings, improvement of grounds, etc., unexpended balance avail- Page 839 973 1012 522 366 136 1421 able_________________________ 969 Streets and alleys closed for purposes of_____________________________ 269 Textbooks for pupils, provided_ _____ 63 Public Welfare Board, filling vacancies_ 170 Reno section, closing of certain streets and alleys in____ _____ ___________ 816 Saturday, July 5, 1930, declared legal holidayin______________________ 849 School children, reduced fares for, on street railways__ _____ ____ _______ 1419 Signs, regulations governing placing of outdoor________________________ 1486 Standards, Bureau of, appropriation for land acquisition, etc., for radio re- search by ____________ ________ __ _ 1196 Streets and alleys closing, for Standards Bureau,ordered_________________ 799 Supreme Court, two additional justices authorized ______________________ 785 Telephones allowed officials of ________ 955 Temporary laborers,etc.,employmentoL 989 Textile Foundation incorporation_ ___ _ 539 Transfer of appropriation to Personnel Classification Board_ ____________ 865 Trust· funds, miscellaneous, expenses payable from ________________ 990,1414 Tubercular and crippled pupils, trans- portation of, appropriations made interchangeable for _____________ _ Turkey Thicket Playground, etc., ex- change of lands ________________ _ Water department, transfer of funds from general revenues to_______ _ Waterratesin _____________________ _ Wisconsin Avenue, widening authorized_ District of Columbia Code, Amendments: Section 601, subchapter 3 ___________ _ Section 639b, corporations__________ _ Section 1112, marshal's fees _________ _ Distrid of Columbia Traffic Act. Amend. ments: 97 262 821 988 1040 538 1088 486 Authority of commissioners__________ 1424 Of Metropolitan police_ ___________ 1424