INDEX. clix Po'assium-Continued. Duty 00., a ntimony tartrate_________ 591 Sodium tartrate______ _____ ___ _____ 591 On free list, chloride, nitrate, sulphate_ 680 Cyanide_________________________ 677 Potatoes: Duty on_________ _________________ 638 Starch___________________________ 601 Poteau, Okla., terms of court at________ 830 Potomac River: Appropriation for Arlington Memorial Bridge __________________ 93,231,1356 Bridge autilOrized across, at Berkeley, W. Va_________________________ 1499 Great Falls, Va., may be acquired by United States________________ _ Harpers Ferry, W. Va ___________ _ Shepherdstown, W. Va ___________ _ Time extended for bridging, at Dahl- 485 1499 1499 gren, Va_____________________ 69, 1064 Potsdam, N. Y ., appropriation for public building at______________________ _ 903 Pottawatomie Indians, Kans., appropria- tion for support, etc., oL _______ 301, 1138 Pottawattamie County, Iowa, bridge au- thorized across Missouri River, by 156,1093 Pottery Paper, duty on________________ 653 Pottsville, Pa., appropriation for public building at__ ____ __ _____ ___ _______ 1600 Poultry: Dutyon__________________________ _ On free lisL _______________________ _ Poultry Congress: Appropriation authorized for delegates' 632 673 expenses_________________________ 84 Deficiency appropriation for__________ 116 Unexpended balance a vailable_ _______ 398 Powder Cases, duty on________________ 664 Powders, duty on ___________________ 599,626 Powell Junior High School, D. C., appro- priation for addition to _________ 969, 1393 Powell National Forest, portion of Bryce Canyon National Park added to____ 1167 .. Power," defined, Rio Grande compact_ 768 Power Commission, appropriation for ex- penses________________________ 798,1362 Power-site Crossing, Mont., bridge au- thorized across Missouri River, at_ __ 859 Prairie Dogs, ten-year cooperative pro- ~am for suppression oL___________ 1468 Pr jrie du Chien, Wis., time extended for bridging Mississippi River, at_______ 1035 Precious Stones, duty on______________ 665 Predatory Animals: Appropriation for controL ___________ 1264 Ten-year cooperative program for sup- pression oC ____________________ 1468 Preferential Provisions, power of Tariff Commission to investigate_________ 698 Premiums, appropriation for Shipping Fa&,e Board paymentE' oL_______________ 244 Prentiss, D. S., bridge authorized across Mississippi River, at New Boston, Ill., by _ _ _ _______________________ 1503 Prescott, Ariz., appropriation for public building at__ _______ ___ __ ____ _____ 353 President of the Senate: Battle of Monongah~la Commission; appointment of members_________ 249 Washington Bi-centennial Commission, appointments to fill vacancies_ _ __ 1528 Yorktown Sesq ui-centennial Commis- sion, appointments to fill vacancies_ 1462 President of the United States: Appropriation for-- COmpensation _________________ 229,1355 Emergency board expenses_________ 231 Federal Oil Conservation Board, con- vened by____________________ 235 Protection oL __________________ 322,346 Air mail flyer's medal of honor awarded, for extraordinary achievement in service_________________________ 1110 Alaska radio station construction, sub- ject to approval oL_____________ 571 Appointments, Porte Rico Organic Act_ 1168 Apportionment of Representatives in Congre<'s under Fifteenth Census Act, duties oL__________________ 26 Authorized to accept invitation to par- ticipate in millennial anniversary of the parliament of Iceland______ 40 Invite St,ates and foreign countries to International Petroleum Ex- position at Tulsa, Okla_ _______ 40 Battle of the Monongahela Commis- sion; appointment of mcmber_____ 249 California, southern judicial district, additional judge to be appointed by____________________________ 819 Canyon De Chelly National Monu- ment, Ariz., authorized to be es- tablished_______________________ 1161 Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration, investigation by com- mittee to be appointed by________ 790 Civil-service retirement and disability fund, allocation to executive de- partments, etc., by ___ __________ _ 862 Civilian officers in foreign countries, living quarters, etc., for, under regulations approved by_________ 818 Colonial National Monument, Va., boundaries established, by proc- lamation oL____ ___ ______ _______ 855 Commission on Conservation of Public Domain, appointment of author- ized___________________________ 153