INDEX. Pare Food Act: Page Adulterations, etc., extended to canned goods__________________________ 1019 Oleomargarine, etc., defined_ __ _______ 1022 Pu:ses. duty on _ _ ____________________ 664 Putnam. Conn., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 892 Putty, duty on________________________ 592 Puyallup Indians. Wash.: Appropriation for- Support, etc., oL ______________ 301,1138 tJpkeep of cemetery oL___________ 1138 Tribal funds to be distributed to en- rolled members oL______________ 1526 Pyramid Lake Indians, Nev.: Appropriation for- Construction of employees' quarterL 1135 Health conservation ____________ 299.1135 Irrigation systems 0t----------- 291.1128 Support,etc., of. _________________ 1138 Pyrean Wool. duty on_________________ 646 Pyrethrum: I>uty on___________________________ 596 On free lisL ________________________ 672 Pyridine. on free lisL _ _ _______________ 676 Pyrites. on free lisL ________________ 678, 682 Pyrogallie Acid, duty on_ ______________ 590 Pyroxylin, duty on ____________ .. _______ 595 Q Quantico, Va.: Appropriation for marine barracks, Im- provements _____________ 330, 570, 1445 Deficiency appropriation for construc- tion___________________________ 1073 Marine Corps flying field, public works_ 330 Marine Corps rescrvation, return of cer- tain land to heirs of John H. Abel. 332 Quapaw Indians, Okla. ~ Appropriation for- Administration of Indian property undeL ___________________ 301.1137 P'ulfilling treaty obligations with_ 300, 1137 Laundry and bakery______________ 1131 Probate attorneys for tribes_ _ ___ 875,1566 Schools _______________________ 298,1134 Quarantine Inspection Service. See also Agriculture I>epartment; Treasury Department. Bills ofhealth, disposition of. _ _______ 1491 Regullltions governing work hours to bJ established __________________ 1492 Inspection after dark ____________ _ Certificat~s of hralth, procurement of_ rniform schedUle of charges to be es- tablish~ _____________________ _ Payment of and accounting for ____ _ Medical benefits extended t{) employees Contributions from steamship com- 1492 1492 1492 1492 1492 panies_________________________ 1492 Quarter Dollar, George Washin!'1un com- Palre memorative, authorized ___ .. ______ . 15:.!:3 Quarter Eagles, coinage of discontinued __ 154 Quartermaster Corps. See aha War De- partment. I>isposition of effects of persons dying while subject ~o military law __ .__ 1203 Employment Stabilization Act, eoCl- struction under _________________ 10S5 Quartzite, on free lisL ____________ . . _ _ 682 Quayle, John F., deficiency appropriatinn for pay t<> widow _ _ _ ______________ 1066 Quebracbo: Extract, duty on___________________ 596 Wood, on free lisL_________________ 677 Quieksliver: I>utyon___________________________ 62i Flasks, on free lisL _ ______________ 6i 4 Quigley, Daniel S., quay in Milburn Creek, at Baldwin Harbor, by, legal- ized_____________________________ 1514 Quillayute River. Wash., improvement of, authorized_______________________ 933 Quilllngs. duty on_ __ _________________ 665 Quills. duty on, ani manufadures oL___ 688 Quilts,dutyO!l_____________________ 642.6tH Quinaielt Indians, Wash.• appropriation for support, etc., of ____________ 301, 1138 Quinaldine, duty on ___ _ __ _ ___________ 593 Quince Seedlings. duty on _ ____________ 636 Quincy, Mass.• ~ppropriation for public buildingat. _____________________ 003 Quiner River. Miss•• preliminary exami- nation of, to be made _____________ 939 Quinine Sulphate, on free list. _ _ _ _ __ ___ 6111 Quinoline. duty on___________________ 593 R ' I Rabies, 10-year cooperative plan for sup- pression of predatory animals to pre- vent ____________________________ 1468 Racine, Wis., appropriation for p:lblic building aL __________________ .. __ 3.'53 Racing Shells, admission of, for races_ __ 6(lO Radio. appropriation for advertising by, public debt issues ______________ 339 . 12"20 Radio Act of 1927, Amendments: Appeals from decisions of Commissions 844 Papers filed in court_ __ _ _ _________ 844 Notice to interested persons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [,44 Intervention of interest~d persons_ 845 Reasons for, to be stated_ __ _ ______ 844 Federal Radio Commission; Appeals allowed from decisions of, WCourtofAppeals,I>.C_ ____ 844 Chief engineer, assistants_ _ _ _____ _ _ 50 Appointments, salaries, powers_ _ _ 50 Court's review, scope of _ _ ___________ 845 Judgment to be finaL _____________ 845 CDurt costs _ _ _ ___________________ 845