clxxx Secretary of Commerce--Continued. Black Bass Transportation Act, en- forcement by__________________ _ Cheboygan Lighthouse Reservation, conveyance of, by _____________ _ Choctaw Point Lighthouse Reservation, conveyance of, by ______________ _ Commission to promote peace and equalize war burdens, etc., ap- pointment on __________________ _ Dunkirk, N. Y ., certain land conveyed to____________________________ _ Fish-cultural stations, locations to be designatcd by _________________ _ Helium, authority and powers of, in connection with production, etc., of____________________________ _ Key West, Fla_, marine biological sta- tion at, disposition by __________ _ Lighthouse depots, purchase of land for, by ___________________________ _ Lighthouse Service, acquisition of sites for, by ________________________ _ Member, Federal Employment Stabili- zation Board __________________ _ Mission Point and Grand Travers Point Lighthouses, to be disposed of, by ________________________ _ Pay and allowance system for em- ployees on vessels authorized con- tinued________________________ _ Radio research, appropriation author- ized for ______________________ _ Radio station, construction, etc., au- thorized of constant frequency monitoring____________________ _ Standards, Bureau of, additional land purchase______________________ _ Textile Foundation director:. __ _ __ _ __ _ Secretary of Labor: Commission to promote peace and equalize war burdens, etc., ap- pointment on__________________ _ Federal Employment Stabilization Board Member ________________ _ Immigration Service, compensation for overtime service performed by in- spectors ______________________ _ Travel allowances, etc., to be pre- scribed _____________________ _ Labor statistics, publication by______ _ Secretary of State: "Fidac," rules and regUlations for ex- penditures of sum for, by _______ _ Foreign Agricultural Service, name of officer proposed for, may be re- jected by______________________ _ Foreign Service Act, 1931- Additional compensation for clerks at certain posts _______ - __ - _____ - INDEX. PaKe 1 846 82 480 826 848 372 213 2 783 782 1085 1510 1421 1196 164 799 539 826 1085 1467 1205 1019 775 498 1207 Secretary of State-Continued. Foreign Service Act, 1931-Continued. Inspection Gfficers, detail of _______ _ Report to President of officers, for promotion___________________ _ Representation allowances, report of expenditures lor ______________ _ Leaves of absen~e, may order _____ _ May grant in case of sickness____ _ Separations from service, after hear- ingby______________________ _ Accounting and disbursing officers, district offices under rules of ___ _ Appointment of officers___________ _ Foreign Service, quarters, heat and light may be furnished to officers of_ French Veterans of W orId War Con- vention, contribution ____________ _ May compensate masters of American vessels for return of destitute American seamen ______________ _ Narcotic Drugs Conference, Geneva, participation expenses __________ _ Narcotic drugs traffic, cooperation with Secretary of Treasury in dis- charge of international obligations_ Pan American Commercial Conference, expenditure of appropriation for __ _ Paris, exposition, 1931, duties of United States commissioners, pre- scribed by ____________________ _ Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays joint investigation, expenses to be authorized by _________________ _ Passports, etc., time limit on _________ _ Reallocat.ion increases, transfers from appropriations to meeL _________ _ Se('retary of the Interior: Alabama, conveyance of lands to, for public park purposes ____________ _ Apostle Island National Park, investi- gation to determine feasibility of establishing ___________________ _ Authority of, over unproductive irri- gation areas ___________________ _ Authorized to-- Accept certain land in exchange for private land adjacent to Lassen Volcanic Park, Calif __________ _ Make per capita payments to Pine Ridge Reservation Indians ____ _ Prepare roll of Indians in California_ Bitter Root irrigation project, Mont., rehabilitation by _______________ _ Blackfeet Indians, Mont., enrollment provisions for minors ___________ _ Blackfeet irrigation project, charges due to be adjusted ______________ _ Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Calif., land for addition to, authorized __ _ Pa~e 1208 1208 1208 1210 1210 1215 1215 1215 177 1521 262 1516 587 1200 807 531 839 112 1201 264 249 222 169 259 852 1495 ]093 1522