INDEX. clxxxvii Sheep-Continued. Page Duty on-Continued. Shears___________________________ 619 ~rool____________________________ 669 Importation of diseased, prohibited_ 689, 1460 On free lisL ________________________ 673 Dip_____________________________ 681 Sheets, duty on, cotton_______________ 642 Sheffip-Id, Ala., appropriation for public building aL ______________________ 353 Sheffield, James R., deficiency appropria- tion for reimbursement_ ___________ 1582 Shelby. Ohio, appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1602 Shelbyville, Tenn., presentation of naval bell and clock to Lions and Rotary Clubs oL _________________ 267 Shell, duty on, manufactures oL_______ 668 Shell Creek School, N. Dak., employees' quarters___ _______________________ 294 Shellac, duty on______________________ 668 Shellfish, on free lisL_________________ 681 Shells: On free lisL___ ______ __ ____ _________ 680 Steel, duty on______________________ 614 Shem Creek, S. C ., preliminary examina- tion of, to be made________________ 937 Shenandoah National Park, Va., survey 'Jf _ 311 Shenandoah River, bridge across, at Berrys Ferry, Va., legalized_ _______ 86 Harpers Ferry, W. Va_____________ 1499 Shenango River, Pa., preliminary exami- nation of, to be made______________ 941 Shepherdstawn, W. Va., bridge authorized across Potomac River, at- _ _ ____ ___ 1499 Sherburne County, Minn., time extended for bridging Mississippi River, by ___ 255 Sherman Institute, Riverside. Calif.: Appropriation for education of Indians_ 295, 1131 Deficiency appropriation for-- Construction and repair __________ _ Indian boarding schooL __________ _ Sherman, Tex., terms of court at _______ _ Shiloh National Military Park: Appropriation for-- 1568 1615 521 Continuing establishment oL ____ 460,1304 Extra pay to superintendent, for care, etc., of Meriwether Lewis Na- tional Monument_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ 1305 Pay of superintendent also in charge of Meriwether Lewis National Monument___________________ 461 Resurfacing road in, to Corinth National Cemetery ___________ ._ 460 Deficiency appropriation for road con- struction_______________________ 1075 Shilshole Breakwater, Wash., preliminary examination of, to be made________ 945 ShingleBolts,onfreelist- _____________ 684 Shingles: ])uty on __________________________ _ On free lisL _______________________ _ Shipping Board, U. S. See also Independ- ent Offices. Appropriation for payment of judg- ments rendered against _________ _ Merchant marine loan construction Pa~e 658 681 7 fund, rates of interest under, to be prescribed ~ ___ _________________ 1059 Sale of certain property in Hoboken, N. J ., authorized _______________ _ 219 Ships, appropriation for repairs, etc., of, u:ldcr Shipping Board ____________ _ 244 Shipyard River. S . C, improvement of, authorized_ _______ __ __ __ __ ____ __ _ 924 Shirts, duty on _____________________ 643,646 Shivwits, Utah. appropriation.,t'or irriga- ti .) ""st€ID construction, etc ____ 289,1125 Shoddy, outy on______________________ 648 Shoemaker Bay. Alaska. appropriation for boarding school for natives_ _ _ 321, 1135 Shoes: Duty on __________________________ _ Leather fOL ____________________ _ On free list, machinery _____________ _ Shooks: Duty on __________________________ _ On free list ________________________ _ Shorts. duty on, and other by-product fecds ___________________________ _ Shoshone Indian Reservation. Wyo. See Wind River Indian Reservation. Shoshone Indians: Appropriation for-- 667 666 676 630 674 634 Employees cottages at agency______ 1120 Fulfilling treaties with __________ 300,1137 Support, etc., oL __________ 301,302,1138 Per capita payment to _____________ 88,1060 Shoshone Irrigation Projed, Wyo., appro- priation for construction, etc _ _ __ 309, 1145 Shoshone, Wyo., appropriation for Indian school dormitory__ _____________ ___ 1131 Shot, duty on ______________________ 613,627 Shotguns: Duty on, and barrels for ___________ _ On free lisL _______________________ _ Shovels, duty on _____________________ _ Shreveport, La.: Appropriation for public building at __ _ Aviation field, additional land for, may be accepted _______________ _ Bridge authorized across Red River, at_ Construction at, authorized_________ _ Pecan experiment station, acceptance 621 679 626 904 843 1037 1015 of land donation for_____________ 1045 Shrewsbury River, N. J .• East Branch, preliminary examination of, to be made, Highlands to Long Branch __ _ Shrimps, on free list__________________ _ 935 681