Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/20

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LIS T OF P UBLIC A CTS AND RESOL UTIONS . Page. Postal Service, first-class mail prepaid without stamps . An Act To authorize the dispatch from the mailing post office of metered permit matter of the first class, prepaid at least 2 cents but not fully prepaid, and to authorize the acceptance of third-class matter without stamps affixed in such quantities as may be prescribed . June 9, 1930 526 National forests, tree planting. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to enlarge tree-planting operations on national forests, and for other purposes . June 9, 1930----

527 Nary, bust of Lieutenant Gilliss for Chilean National Observatory . An Act To provide for the purchase of a bronze bust of the late Lieutenant James Melville Gilliss, United States Navy, to be presented to the Chilean National Observatory . June 9, 1930 527 Flood relief, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Kentucky . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and for other purposes," approved May 16, 1928 . June 9, 1930_ 528 Joseph Hewes, memorial . An Act To provide for the erection of a marker or tablet to the memory of Joseph Hewes, signer of the Declaration of Independence, member of the Con tinen tal Congr ess, and patri ot of the Revo lutio n, at Ede nton, Nort h Ca rolin a . June 9,1930 528 Pensions, Ci vil War, re vised, etc . An Act To.revise and equalize the rate of pension to certain soldiers, sailors, and marines of the Civil War, to certain widows, former widows of such soldiers, sailors, and marines, and granting pensions and increase of pensions in certain cases . June 9, 1930 529 Alaskan Aerial Survey awards . An Act Waiving the limiting period of two years in Execu- tive Order Numbered 4576 to enable the Board of Awards of the Navy Department to consider recommendation of the award of the distinguished-flying cross to members of the Alaskan Aerial Survey Expedition . June 9, 1930 530 Passamaquoddy an d Cobscook Bays, power developme nt . Joint Resolution Authorizing an appropriation to defray one-half of the expenses of a joint investigation by the United States and Canada of the probable effects of proposed developments to generate electric power from the movement of the tides in Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays . June 9,1930 530 Assiniboine Indians, claims . Joint Resolution To clarify and amend an Act entitled "An Act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment in any claims which the Assiniboine Indians may have against the United States, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1927 . June 9, 1930 .____ 531 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930 . An Act To suppress unfair and fraudulent practices in the marketing of perishable agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce . June 10, 1930 531 Fifth judicial circuit, additional judge. An Act For the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the fifth judicial circuit . June 10, 1930 538 Third judici al circuit, additional judge . An Act To provide for the appointment of an addi- tional circuit judge for the third judicial circuit . June 10, 1930 538 District of Columbia Code, trustees of incorporations . An Act To amend section 601 of sub- chapter 3 of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia . June 10, 1930 538 Distric t of Co lumbia , Texti le Foun dation incorp orated . An Act To create a body corporate by the name of the "Textile Foundation ." June 10, 1930 539 Bridges, omnibus Act . An Act To authorize the construction of certain bridges and to ex- tend the times for commencing and completing the construction of other bridges over the navigable waters of the United States . June 10, 1930 540 Bridge, Rock R iver . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to con- struct a bridge across the Rock River south of Moline, Illinois . June 10, 1930 552 Bridge, Monongahela River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. June 10, 1930 552 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Tenth Street in Bettendorf, State of Iowa . June 10, 1930 552 Bridge, Rock River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Rockford, Illinois, to construct a bridge across the Rock River at Broadway in the city of Rock- ford, Winnebago County, State of Illinois . June 10, 1930 553 Bridge, Allegheny River . An Act Granting the consent of Co ngress to the Co mmonwealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Allegheny River at or near Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania . June 10, 1930 553 Postmasters' salaries . An A ct To increa se the sala ries of cert ain postmas ters of the first class . June 11, 1930 553 De partme nt of J ustice, Ident ificati on and Inform ation D ivision . An Act Establishing under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice a division of the Bureau of Investigation to be known as the Division of Identification and Information . June 11, 1930 554 Navy, pay clerks, etc . An Act To amend the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1916, relative to the appointment of pay clerks and acting pay clerks . June 11,1930 554 Utah, duplicate checks . An Act To authorize the Department of Agriculture to issue two duplicate checks in favor of Utah State treasurer where the originals have been lost . June 11,1930 555