SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs . 136-138 . 1930 .
161 b Th e sala ries or `~
wages paid by the Territory of Hawaii Territorial salaries, etc ., not su bje ct to or any of its political subdivisions, for services rendered in con- Federal income tax . nection with the exercise of an essential governmental function of the Territor y or its politic al subdi visions, shall no t be tax able by the United States in the administration of the income tax laws ." Approved, April 12, 1930 . April 12, 1930. CHAP. 137 .-An Act To approve act numbered 29 of the session laws of [H. R.7984.] 1 92 9 o f t he Te rr i to ry of Hawaii, entitled "An act to authorize and provide for [Public, No . 117 .] the manufacture, maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within Hanalei, in the District of Hanalei, island and county of Kauai ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f Ame ri ca in Congress ass em ble d, Tha t act num - Hawaii . Grant of electric fran- bered 29 of the ses si on la ws of 19 29 of the Territory of Hawaii, chise in Kauai County, entitled "An act to authorize and provid e for the manufacture, approved . maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within Hanalei, in t h e . Dist rict of Hanalei, island and county of Kauai," passed by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii and app roved by the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii on April 19, 1929, is hereby approved : Provided, That the authority Amen dment subje ct in section 16 of sa id act for the ame nd ing or repeal of said act to approval of Con g ress . shall not be held to authorize suc h action by the Legislature of Hawaii except upon approval by Congress in accordance with the Organic Act : Provided further, That nothing herein shall be con- strued as an approval by Congress of the theory of establishing value on the actual c ost of reproducing or replacing property as contained in section 18 of the said act . Approved, April 12, 1930 . CHAP. 138 .-An Act To authorize the incorporated town of Cordova, Alaska, to issue bonds for the construction of a trunk-sewer system and a bulk- head or retaining wall, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the incorpo- rated town of Cordova, Alaska, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its bonds in any sum not to exceed $50,000 for the purpose of constructing a trunk-sewer system in said town and a bulkhead or retaining wall on First Street of said town : Provided, however, That no issue of bonds or other instruments of any such indebtedness shall be made, other than such bonds or other instruments of indebtedness in serial form maturing in substantially equal annual installments, the first installment to mature not later than five years from the date of the issue of such series and the last installment not later than thirty years from the date of such issue . SEC . 2. That before said bonds shall be issued a special election shall be ordered by the common council of the town of Cordova, at whic h electi on the q uestion whether such bon ds shall be issue d shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said town of Cordova . Thirty days' notice of any such election shall be given by publica- ti on th ere of in a newspaper pr in ted and published and of gen er al circulation in said town before the day fixed for such election . SEc . 3 . That the registration for such election, the manner of con- ducting the same, and the canvass of the returns of said election shall be, as nearly as pract icable, in accor dance wi th the r equireme nts of law in general or special elections in said municipality, and said 578 94°-3 1-11 No app roval of es- tablishing cost of re- producing property, etc . April 12, 1930. [11 . R. 8559 .1 [Public, No . 118.] Cordova, Alaska . May issue bonds for sewer system, etc . Proviso . Form, etc., of bonds. Special election to authorize . Conduct of election .