Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/209

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SE VENTY -FIRS T CONGRESS . SEss. II . CHs . 150-152 . 1930 . April 14, 1930 .

CHAP . 150 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing and requesting the President to [H. J. Res. 195.]

invite representatives of the Governments of the countries members of the Pan [P ub .Res.,No.63 American Union to attend an Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Industry, and providing for the expenses of such meeting . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Inter-American Con- ference on Agriculture, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President etc •

be, and he is hereby, autho rized and requested to invite representa- Pan A mer ican Gov - ernments invited to tives of the Governments of the countries members of the Pan attend .

American Union to attend an Inter-American Conference on Agri- Post, p. 887.

culture, Forestry, and Animal Industry, to be held in Washington, District of Columbia, September 8, 1930, to September 20, 1930, inclusive . Sum authorized for SEC. 2. That the sum of $25,600, or so much thereof as may be expenses . nece ssa ry, is her eby aut hor ized to be app rop riat ed for the ex pens es of such meeting, including salaries in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, rent in the District of Columbia, printing and binding, transportation, subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsi stence (not- withstanding the provisions of any other Act), contract stenographic reporting services, official cards, and such expenses as may be actually and necessarily incurred by the Government of the United States by reason of such invitatio n in the observance of proper courtesies . Approved, April 14, 1930 . April 14, 1030 . [H.J . Res . 197.1

CHAP. 151 .-Joint Resolution To authorize the purchase of a motor lifeboat, [P ub . Res ., No .64 .1 with its equipment and necessary spare parts, from foreign life-saving services . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C oast Gu ard . P urch ase of moto r States o f America in Congress assembled, That, with the view of lifeboat for, author- improving methods of saving life from stranded or wrecked vessels, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase for the use of the Coast Guard, for experimental and test purposes, one motor lifeboa t, with its equipment and nec essary spare parts, from a recognized foreign lifeboat or life-saving service, R R estr ict ion cti on waived . society, or institution, without regard to the requirements of section 3709, p.733. U.S.C . . p. 1309 .

3709 of the Revised Statutes (title 41, section 5, United States Code) . Approved, April 14, 1930 April 14, 1930. [n.J. Res. 227.1

CHAP. 152 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the erection of a Federal reserve [Pub. Res ., No.65 .] branch building in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania .' Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Federal Reserve United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Bank of Cleveland,


f Ohio .

Reserve Bank of Cleveland be, and it is hereby, authorized to con- Erection of building for Pittsburgh, Pa ., tract for and erect a building in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- branch, authorized . vania, for its Pittsburgh branch, on a site now owned by it, pro- vided the total amount expended in the erection of said building, Proviso .

exclusive of the cost of vaults, permanent equipment, furnishings, subject to approval and fixtures, shall not exceed the sum of $875,000 : Provided, how- of Board .

ever, That the character and type of building to be erected, the amount actually to be e xpended in the construction o f said building, and the amou nt actually t o be expended for the vaul ts, permanent equipment, furnishings, and fixtures for said buildi ng shall be sub- j ec t t o the approval of the Federal Reserve Board . App roved, Ap ril 14, 1930 .