SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 184. 1930. including officers of the United States Court for China, and the itemized and verified statements of the actual and necessary expenses of t ransp orta tion and s ubsi stenc e, un der such regul atio ns as the Secreta ry of St ate may prescribe , of the ir famil ies and effects, in goin g to and retur ning from thei r pos ts, inclu ding not to ex ceed $110,000 incurred in connection with leaves of absence, and of the Bringing ho me re- preparation and transportation of the remains of those officers and m ains of officers dying abroad . said employees of the Foreign Service, who have died or may die abroad or in transit while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country or to a place not more distant for interment and for the ordinary expenses of such interment, Proviso .
$518,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be available also officials of united States Court for China . for the authorized expenses of the judge and district attorney of the United States Court for China while attending sessions of the court at other c ities th an Shangh ai, not to excee d $8 per day each , and for the auth orized s ubsistenc e expens es of co nsular a nd Foreig n Service officers while on temporary detail under commission . EMERGENCIES ARISING IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND CON SULAR SERVIC E To e nabl e the Pres iden t to meet unfo resee n eme rgen cies arisi ng in the Diplomatic and Consular Service, and to extend the com- mercial and other interests of the United States and to meet the Neutrali ty Act ex- penses . necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the Neutrality R. S.,sec. 291, p.49. Act, to be expended pursuant to the requirement of section 291 of u. S. C.,p. ssa.
the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 107), $400,000 . ALLOWANCE TO WIDOWS OR HEIRS OF DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND FO REIGN SERV ICE OFFIC ERS WHO DIE ABR OAD Allow ances, off icers For payment under the provisions of section 1749 of the Revised d yin g5.,rsec. 1749, p. Statutes (U . S . C ., title 22, sec . 130) to the widows or heirs at law 311 . U.S. C.,p.sso, o f Diplom atic, Co nsular, a nd Forei gn Servi ce offic ers of t he United S tates dy ing in f oreign co untries in the d ischarge of thei r duties, $2 ,000 . Post allowances. POST ALLOWANCES TO DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND FO REIGN SERVICE O FFICERS On leaves of absence . Em erge ncie s. Sp eci al allo wan ces to meet living expenses of officers. Foreign Service build- ings fund . Acqui sition o f build- ings, etc ., for Govern- ment use in foreign countries . Vol. 44, p . 403 . U.S. C., Supp.IV, p.310. Tokyo, Japan . To enable the President, in his discretion, and in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, to make special allowances by way of additional compensation to Diplomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers, and officers of the United States Court for China in order to adjust their official income to the ascertained cost of living at the posts to which they may be assigned, $100,000 . FOREIGN SERVICE BUILDINGS FUND For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the " For- eign Service Building Act, 1926 " (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 22, sec. 295), and for each and every object thereof, including the initial alterations, repair, and furnishing of buildings heretofore acquired under specific authorization of Congress for the use of the diplomatic and consular establishments in foreign countries, $1,700,000, to remain available until expended . DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR ESTABLISHMENTS, TOKYO, JAPAN Construction and fur- For completing the construction and furnishing of buildings for Foreign Service oacers the diplomatic and consular establishments in Tokyo, Japan, as inVol.43,p.961. provided in the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of State to enlarge the site and erect buildings thereon for the use of the diplomatic and consular establishments in Tokyo, Japan," approved February 21, 1925, $120,000 .