Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/223

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SEV EN TY- FIR ST C ONGRESS. SESS . II. CH. 184 . 1930 . Land and water went at the seat of government of such surveyors, computers, drafts- bo unda ry, United men, and clerks as are necessary ; and for the more effective demar- St at Vol . 35, es an pCa nada . o cat ion and m apping, pu rsuant to the treat y of April 11, 1908 , between the United States and Great Britain, of the land and water boundary line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada, as established under existing treaties, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, including the salaries of the commissioner and the necessary engineers, surveyors, draftsmen, computers, and clerks in the field and at the seat of government,, expense of necessary traveling, for payment for timber necessarily cut in determining the boundary line not to exceed $500 and com- mutation to members of the field force while on field duty or actual expenses not exceeding $5 per day each, to be expended in accord- ance with regulations from time to time prescribed by the Secretary Proviso.

of State, $17,460 : Provided, That the commissioner shall be allowed Traveling expenses of commissioner.

his traveling expenses in accordance with the provisions of the VolS~Cp Supp. Iv, Subsistence Expense Act of 1926 (U . S . C., Supp . III, title 5, p. 37.

ch. 16) . BOUNDARY TREATY OF 1925 BETWEEN THE UNITE D STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN : INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND- CANADA AND ALASKA AND CANADA- United day setweenn To enable the President to perform the obligations of the United Canada.

States under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain Relocating mono- m

in respect of Canada signed February 24, 1925 ; for salaries and Vol. etc . .2102 . expenses, including the salary of the cmissioner and salaries of the necessary engineers, clerks, and other employees for duty at the seat of government and in the field ; cost of office equipment and supplies ; necessary traveling expenses ; commutation of subsistence to employees while on field duty not to exceed $4 per day each ; for payment for timber necessarily cut in keeping the boundary line i4raintenanee of es• clear not to exceed $500 ; and for all other necessary and reasonable tablished lines.

7 expenses incurred by the United States in maintaining an effective demarcation of the international boundary line between the United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada under the terms of the treaty aforesaid, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary Provisoo

of St ate, $ 33,12 5 : Prov ided, That when the commissioner, or the Subsistence of com- m ission er and engin eer, engineer to the commissioner, shall be absent from Washington or absent on official busi- their regular place of residence on official business they shall be sess . allowed actual and necessary expenses of subsistence not to exceed $8 per day each . INTERNATIONAL PRISON COMMISSION For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the International Prison Commission, and the expenses of a commis- sion, including preparation of reports, $5,500 . Pan American Union.

PAN AMERICAN UNION and printin g . supp ort For the payment of the quota of the United States for the support of the Pan American Union, $147,219 .60, and for printing and binding of the union, $20,000 ; in all, $167,219 .60. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE PERMAN ENT COURT OF ARBITRAT ION International Bureau, Permanent Court of To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the Arbitration .

calendar year 1929 of the International Bureau of the Permanent Vol . 36, p. 2222.

Court of Arbitration, created under article 43 of the convention concluded at The Hague, October 18, 1907, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, $2,000 . International Prison Co mmission .