SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cu. 184 . 1930 .
193 buildings occupied under authority of sections 5537 and 5538 of the p1 08: sees'- 5537,M38, Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 18, sees . 691, 692) ; support of u.S.c.,p. 513. prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent ; shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the United States, and interment of deceased prisoners whose remai ns are unclaimed ; exp en ses in cur re d i n i den ti - f ying and pursuing e scaped pr isoners an d for rewa rds for their recapture ; and for repairs, betterments, and improvements of United S tates jails , including sidewalks, $3,000,000 . TITLE III . DE PART MENT OF COMM ERCE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Department of Com- merce . Salaries : Secretary of Commerce, $15,000 ; Assistant Secretary and Secr etary, Assi stant, other personal services in the District of Columbia, including the and offic e pers onnel, chief clerk and superintendent, who shall be chief executive o ffic er of the department and who may be designated by the Secretary of Commerce to sign official papers and documents during the temporary absence of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of the department, $333,095, of which amount $15,095 shall be imme- diately available ; in all, $348,095 . CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE For con tingent a nd miscell aneous ex penses of the offices and Contingent and bureaus of the department, including those for which appropriations Dpartment~~SeS of for contingent and miscellaneous expenses are specifically made, including professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding $2,500) for which payment may be made in advance ; purchase of atlases or maps ; stationery ; furniture and repairs to same ; carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges ; fuel, lighting, and heating ; purchase and exchange of motor trucks and bicycles ; purchase of a passenger-carrying automobile, not to exceed $2,500 ; maintenance, repair, and operation of three motor-propelled passe nger-carrying vehicles and motor trucks and bicycles, to be used only for official purposes ; freight and express charges ; postage to foreign countries ; telegraph and telephone serv- ice ; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange ; first-aid outfits for use in the b uildin gs oc cupied by e mploy ees of this depa rtment
- street-car fares,
not exceeding $500 ; and all other miscellaneous items and necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $300,000, which sum shall c onstit ute t he app ropri ation for c ontin gent expens es of the d epart - ment and shall also be available for the purchase of necessary sup- service, lable for field plies and equipment for field services of bureaus and offices of the department for which contingent and miscellaneous appropriations are specifically made in order to facilitate the purchase through the Pur cha ses . central purchasing office (Division of Supplies), as provided by law Pr ovided, That expenditures from appropriations contained in this Restriction on main- Act for the maintenance, upkeep, and repair, exclusive of garage t en vehicl es ttcc.,ofpassen- ger
pa sse n_ rent, pay of operator, fuel, and lubricants on any one motor-propelled pa ssenger-ca rrying ve hicle used by the D epartment of Commerc e shall not exceed one-third of the market price of a new vehicle of the same make or class, and in any case more than $500 . To enable the Secretary of Commerce, under such regulations as effiggsas oteofficers
ln el he may prescribe, in accordance with the provisions of the Act abroad . approved April 12, 1930, amending an Act entitled "AnActto Ante, p.163 . 57894°-31-13