SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs. 200, 201. 1930 .
229 SEC. 8. That all process issued by the commissioner shall be directed to the marshal of the United States for the district of Hawaii, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the arrest by any officer or employee of the Government or any person employed by the United States in the policing of said reservation within said boundaries without process of any person taken in the act of vio- lating the law or this Act or the regulations prescribed by the said Secretary as aforesaid . SEC . 9 . That the commissioner provided for in this Act shall be paid an annual salary as appropriated for by Congress, pay able quarterly : Provided, That the said commissioner shall reside within exterior boundaries of said Hawaii National Park at a place to be designated by the Secretary of the Interior : And provided further, That all fees, costs, and expenses collected by the commissioner shall be disposed of as provided in section 11 of this Act . SEC. 10. That all fees, costs, and expenses arising in cases under Fees, United States this Act and properly chargeable to the United States shall be certi- eases . fled, approved, and paid as are like fees, costs, and expenses in the courts of the United States . SEC. 11 . That all fines and costs imposed and collected shall be Deposit of flues and deposited by said commissioner of the United States, or the marshal tests . of the United States collecting the same, with the clerk of the United States District Court for the Territory of Hawaii . SEC . 12. That the Secretary of the Interior shall notify, in writing, FeeraiepofTe Territory of the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii of the passage and approval tion assumed . of this Act and of the fact that the United States assumes police jurisdiction over said park. Approved, April 19, 1930 . EXECUTIVE OFFICE COMPENSATION OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT For compensation of the President of the United States, $75,000 . For compensation of the Vice President of the United States, $15,000 . OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Salaries : For Secretary to the President, $10,000 ; two additional secretaries to the President at $10,000 each ; personal services in the office of the President, $96,120 ; in all, $126 ,120 : Provided, That employees of the executive departments and other establishments of the executive branch of the Government may be detailed from time to time to the office of the President of the United States for such temporary assistance as may be deemed necessary . Contingent expenses : For contingent expenses of the Executive Office, including stationery, record books , telegrams, telephones, books for library, furniture and carpets for offices, automobiles, Service of process . Summary arrests . Pay of commissioner . Provisos . Residence required . Disposal of fees, etc . CHAP . 201 .-An Act Making appropriations
April 19, 14 .1 g ppropriations for the Executive Office and [H. R. 4544 .] sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by t he Senate and House of Repr esentatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the Executive Office and sundry independent executi ve bure aus, bo ards, commiss ions, a nd off ices, f or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931 . namely [Public, No . 158 .] Independent Offices Act, 1931 . Appropriations ff ,r fiscal year ending June 30, 1931. Executive Office . Compe nsatio n . President . Vice President . Office of the Presi- dent. Secretar ies, an d offic e personnel . Proviso . Details of employees to the office . Contingent expenses .