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LIS T OF P UBLIC A CTS AND RESOL UTIONS . Page. District of Columbia, Logan Circle . An Act To change the name of Iowa Circle in the city of Washington to Logan Circle . December 11, 1930 1026 Customs Service, pay readjustment . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to adjust the compensation of certain employees in the Customs Service, " approved May 29, 1928 . Dec ember 12,19 30 1026 Hillsboro, Ill ., Relief Corps . An Act Donating trophy gun to F. D. Hubbel Relief Corps Numbe red 103, of Hillsboro, I llinois . December 12, 1930 1028 United States Code, obsolete statutes . An Act To repeal obsolete statutes, and to improve the United States Code . Decem ber 16 ,1930 1028 Crimi nal C ode a mendm ent . An Act To amend section 335 of the Criminal Code . Decem- ber 16,1930 1029 Congressional employees, December, 1930, salaries . Joi nt R esol ution Aut hori zing the pay - ment of salaries of the officers and employees of Congress for December, 1930, on the 20th day of that month . December 17,1930 1030 Pier, Chesapeake Bay . An Act To legalize a pier constructed in Chesapeake Bay at Annapolis Roads, Maryland, and to legalize an intake pipe in Warren Cove, at Plymo uth, Massachusetts . December 19, 1930 1030 Emerg ency const ructi on . An Act Making supplemental appropriations to provide for emergency construction on cert ain public works dur ing the remainder of the fiscal year en ding June 30 , 1931, with a view to in creasing emp loyment . Dece mber 20,1 930- 1030 House of Representatives, special and select committees . Joint Resolution Making an appro- priation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the fiscal year 1931 for ex- penses of special and select committees of the House of Representatives . Dece mber 20, 1 930 1032 Drought, etc ., relief. Joint Resolution For the relief of farmers in the drought and/or storm stricke n areas of t he United St ates . December 20, 1930 1032 Appropriations, Agricultural Marketing Act . An A ct Making an additio nal appropriation to carry out the provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Act, approved June 15, 1929 . December 22, 1930 1033 Warm Sprin gs In dians of Oregon . An Act Authorizing the bands or tribes of Indians known and designated as the Middle Oregon or W arm Springs Tribe of In dia ns of Ore go n, or either of them, to submit their claims to the Court of Claims . December 23, 1930_ 1033 Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy . Joint Resolution To provide for the expenses of a delegation of the United States to the sixth meeting of the Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy to be held at Budapest in 1931 . December 23, 1 93 0_-- ---- 1034 Bridge, Bogue Chitto River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Louisiana Highway Commission, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Bogue Chitto River between Sun and Bush, Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana . J anuar y 12, 1931 1035 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To e xtend the time for completing the con stru ction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the city of Prairie du Chien, Wis- consin . Jan uary 12,1 931 1035 Postal Service, certificates of mailing . An Act To authorize t he Postmaster Genera l to issue additional receipts or certificates of mailing to senders of certain classes of mail matter and to fix the fees chargeable therefor . January 13, 1931 1035 Flood control, Fox River . An Act To authorize a preliminary examina tion of the Fox Rive r, Wisconsin, for the purpose of flood control . January 14, 1931 1035 National Prohibition Act, amendment . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Nation al Prohibition Act," approved March 2, 1 929 . January 15, 1931 1 03 6 Bridge, Atchafalaya River . An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge across the Atchafalay a River at or near M organ City, Louisian a . January 15, 1931 1036 Bridge, Atchafalaya River . An Act Gra nting the cons ent of Co ngres s to the L ouis iana Hig hway Comm issio n to cons truct , mai ntai n, and ope rate a fr ee hi ghway bri dge across the Atchafalaya River at or near Krotz Springs, Louisiana . January 15, 1931_ 1036 Bridge, Red River . An Act To extend the time for construction of a free hig hway bri dge across the Red River at or near Moncla, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1037 Bridge, Red River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Louisiana Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free hi ghw ay bridge across the Red River at or near Alexandria, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1037 Bridge, Red River . An Act To extend the time for construction of a free hig hway bri dge across the Red River at or near Coushatta, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1037 Bridge, Red River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Louisiana Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free hi ghw ay bridge across the Red River at or near Shreveport, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1037 Bridge, Ouachita River . An Act Granting t he consent of Congre ss to the Louisiana Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free hi ghw ay bridge across the Ouachita River at or near Sterlington, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1038 Bridge, Ouachita River . An Act To extend the time for construction of a free highway bridge across the Ouachita River at or near Monroe, Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1038 Bridge, Ouachita River . An Act To extend the time for construction of a free highway bridge across the Ouachita River, at or near Harrisonburg, Louisiana . January 15,1931 1038 Bridge, Black River. An Act To extend the time for construction ofa free highway bridge across the Black Ri ver at or ne ar Jonesville , Louisiana . January 15, 1931 1 03 9