SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . CHs. 228, 229. 1930 .
263 134/36 ; thence with the south line of said parcel west six hundred and twenty-two and six one-hundredths feet ; thence leaving said south line and running thence north twenty-one degrees nineteen minutes forty seconds east seven hundred and seventy-eight and eleven one-hundredths feet ; thence east twelve feet ; thence south five hundred and thirty-six and eighty-five one-hundredths feet ; thence east three hundred and seventy-three and thirty-seven one- hun dredths feet to the point of beginning, containing on e hundred and eighty-three thousand and three square feet, or four and two thousand and twelve ten-thousandths acres, all as shown on plat of computation in survey book numbered 89, page 287, of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, the Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, acting for and in behalf of the United States of America, is hereby authorized to grant and quitclaim to the grantor of the above-described property, all the rights, title, and interest of the United States of America in and to the following Par t of a tract of land taxed as par cel 134 /33, d escribe d as fo llows Beginning for the same at the southwest corner of parcel 134/33 and running thence with the westerly boundary of said parcel north seventeen degrees forty-seven minutes west five hundred and nine- teen and fifty one-hundredths feet to the northwest corner of said parcel 134/33 ; thence with the north boundary of said parcel east four hundred and three and twenty-four one-hundredths feet ; thence leaving said north boundary and running thence south twenty-one degrees nineteen minutes forty seconds west eighty-eight and thirty- two one-hundredths feet to an angle ; then south sixteen degrees fifty-six minutes twenty seconds east five hundred and one and eighty-four on e-hundredths feet to the s outherly bound ary of said parcel 134/33 ; thence with said southerly boundary north seventy- nine degrees nineteen minutes west three hundred and sixty-five feet to the point of beginning, containing one hundred and eighty- three thousand and one square feet, or four and two thousand and twelve ten-thousandths acres all as shown on plat of computation in survey book numbered 89, page 287, of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia . Approved, May 8, 1930 . May 9, 1930 . CHAP . 229.-An Act To declare valid the title to certain Indian lands .
[u. R . 5283.1 [Public, No. 182.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States a Am er ica in Congress assembled,
Pur chase rs ers That all deeds Pur ch
of allot. . f
t• which purported to convey complete fee title to purchasers of ted, conveyed fee title . allotted Indian lands situated in the State of South Dakota approved by the Secretary of the Interior prior to June 25, 1910, are hereby declared to convey the entire title to the land therein described, to the same extent as though a fee-simple patent had issued to the purchaser or purchasers therein named and this Act shall operate Subsequent litigation as a complete bar against the United States and against the heirs barred . of any such deceased allottee, whether such heirs appear as grantors in such deed or not, to any action in any court, State or Federal, wherein the title to such lands may be brought into question . Approved, May 9, 1930 . Grant of land in exchange . Description .