SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . Sass . II. Cg. 273 . 1930 .
297 improvements, $7,000 ; for remodeling school building, $10,000 ; in all, $58,250 ; Chemawa, Salem, Oregon : For seven hundred and fifty pupils, o eghemawa, Salem, including native Indian pupils brought from Alaska, including not to exceed $1,000 for printing and issuing school paper and $5,000 Post, p .1133. to be available only for conducting extension work and short courses for adult Indians, $226,250 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage . and general repairs and improvements, $20,000 ; f or g ym na si um , including equipment, to be immediately available, $60,000 ; in all, $306,2 50 : P rovide d, That except upon the individual order of the Proviso. Secretary of the Interior no part of this appropriation shall be used naives ictiononAlaska for the support or education at said school of any native pupil brought from Alaska after January 1, 1925 ; Flandreau, South Dak ota : For four hundred and twenty-five Flandreau, S . Dak . pupils, $129,625 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $15,000 ; for addition to girls' dormitory, $10,000 ; for home economics building, including equipment, $15,000
in all, $169,625 ; Pierre, South Dakota : For three hundred and twenty-five pupils, Pierre, S . Dak . $99,125 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and post, p .1133. impr oveme nts, $15,0 00 ; for new s choo l bui lding , aud itor ium, and gymnasium, including equipment, $100,000 ; for purchase of land, $3,000 ; in all, $217,125 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of Proviso . the appropriation contained in the Interior Department Appropria- Proviso- Balance p. .1580 le' tion Act for the fiscal year 1930, for enlarging and remodeling build- ings, shall remain available until June 30, 1931 ; Rapid City, South Dakota : For two hundred and fifty pupils, Rapid City, S . Dak . $76,250 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $15,000 ; in all, $91,250 ; Hayward, Wisconsin : For one hundred and sixty pupils, $52,800 ; Haywa rd, Wis . for pay of superinte ndent, drayage, and g eneral repairs and improvements, $8,000 ; in all, $60,800 ; Tomah, Wisconsin : For three hundred and fifty pupils, $106,750 ; Tom ah, Wis. for pay of superinte ndent, drayage, and g eneral repairs and improvements, $16,000 ; for enlarging employees' club building, $10,000 ; for enlarging boys' dormitory, including lavatory annex, $25,000 ; in all, $157,750 ; In all, for above-named boarding schools, not to exceed $5,093,250
Provisos- Purchase Provided, That not less than $6,000 of this amount shall be available books. of library only for purchase of library books : Provided further, That 10 per impovements ph iinte~r- centum of the foregoing amounts for physical improvements shall chang eabl e . be available interchangeably for expenditures in the various boarding schools named, but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said boarding schools or for any particular item within any boarding school . Any such Report to Con gress . interchanges shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to withdraw from the Chippewas of Min . Treasury of the United States, in his discretion, the sum of $38,000, n Tution of children or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the principal sum on of, in state schools, p,
from tribal funds . deposit to the credit of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Vol.25, p . 645 . Minnesota arising under section 7 of the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat ., p . 645), and to expend the same for payment of tuition for Chippewa Indian children enrolled in the public schools of the State of Minnesota . For support of a school or schools for the Chippewas of the Mi ssippppias of the Mississippi in Minnesota (article 3, treaty of March 19, 1867), $4,000 . sch ool oolf p .728 . For the education of Osage children, $12,800, to be paid from the Osages in Ok lahoma funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of