Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/349

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SE VEN TY-F IRST CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 273. 1930 . other expenses in the field legal offices ; examination of estimates for appropriations in the field ; ref unds of o verc ollec tion s and dep osits for other purposes ; not to exceed $20,000 for l itho graph ing, engr av- ing, printing, and binding ; purchase of ice ; purchase of rubber boots for offi cial use by e mploy ees ; maintenance and operation of hor se- dra wn and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; not to exceed $40,000 for purchase and exchange of horse-drawn and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles

packing, crating,

and ofemployeasng effects transportation (including drayage) of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station, under regulations to be prescribed er Damages to prop- by the Secretary of the Interior ; payment o f damages caused t o the owners of lands or other private property of any kind by reason of the operations of the United States, its officers or employees, in the survey, construction, operation, or maintenance of irrigation works, and which may be compromised by agreement between the claimant and the Secretary of the Interior, or such officers as he may desig- nate ; payment for official telephone service in the field hereafter i ncurred in case of official t elephones installed in privat e houses w hen authoriz ed under regulatio ns establ ished Ly the Secr etary of the attendance at meet- Interior ; not to exceed $1,000 for expenses, except membership fees, mss . of attendance, when authorized by the Secretary, upon meetings of technical and professional societies required in connection with official work of the bureau ; payment of rewards, when specifically authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, for information leading Pr ovis os

to the apprehension and conviction of persons found guilty of the Limit . on outside theft, damage, or destruction of public property : Prov ided, That headquarters.

no part of said appropriations may be used for maintenance of head- quarters for the Bureau of Reclamation outside the District of Medical attendance, Columbia except for an office for the chief engineer and staff and for etc., to employees . certain field officers of the division of reclamation economics

Pro- vided further, That the Secretary of the Interior in his administra- tion of the Bureau of Reclamation is authorized to contract for medical attention and service for employees and to make necessary pay-roll deductions agreed to by the employees therefor : Provided Restriction on use for further, That no part of any sum provided for in this Act for opera- districts in arrears for charges . tion and maintenance of any project or division of a project by the Bureau of Reclamation shall be used for the irrigation of any lands within the boundaries of an irrigation district which has contracted with the Bureau of Reclamation and which is in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment of any charges due the United Lands in arrears . St ates, and no part of any sum provided for in this Act for such purpose shall be used for the irrigation of any lands which hav e contracted with the Bureau of Reclamation and which are in arrears for mo re t han twelv e mo nths in the p ayme nt of any cha rges due Exami nation, etc . , o f from said lands to the United States ; proj ects op erated b y Exami nati on and i nspec tion of proje cts : For ex ami nat ion of districts, etc • accounts and inspection of the works of various projects and divi- sions of projects operated and maintained by irrigation districts or wate r users' associatio ns, and bo okkeeping , accounti ng, cleric al, legal , and other expenses incurred in accordance with contract provisions Balances available . for the repayment of such expenses by the districts or associations, Vol . 45, pp. 228, 1590. the unexpended balances of the appropriations for this purpose for Post, p .1143.

the fiscal years 1929 and 1930 are continued available for the same opera tion of reserve d purpose for the fiscal year 1931 ; works . For operation and maintenance of the reserved works of a project or division of a project when irrigation districts, water-users' asso- ciations, or Warren Act contractors have contracted to pay in advance but have failed to pay their proportionate share of the cost of such operation and maintenance, to be expended under regulations to be