Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/355

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 273. 1930 . Federal Power Com- mission. Printing and bind- ing, illustrations, maps, etc . Nonmetallic mineral mining Act . Enforcing. Vol. 38, p. 741; Vol. 40, p. 297; Vol. 41, pp. 437, 1363 . U. S. C., pp. 963, 964, 1395, 1396 . Reimbursement . fo r perf ormanc e of w ork of the F ederal Power Commis sion, $180,0 00, of which amount not to exceed $120,000 may be expended for pe rsonal service s in th e Distri ct of C olumbia . For printing and binding, $150,000 ; for preparation of illustra- tions, $20,800 ; and for e ngrav ing and p rint ing geolo gic and topographic maps, $12 4,0 00, inc ludin g not to exceed $17,000 for purchase and exchange of one press ; in all, $294,800, and any funds ma de av ailabl e in t he fisc al years 1930 and 1 931 by cooperating States or municipalities for such printing and binding, illustrating, or engraving and printing. For the enforcement of the provisions of the Acts of October 20, 1914 (U. S. C., title 48, sec. 435), October 2, 1917 (U. S. C., title 30, sec. 141), February 25, 1920 (U. S. C., title 30, sec. 181), and March 4, 1921 (U. S . C ., title 48, see . 444), and other Acts relating to the mining and recovery of minerals on Indian and public lan ds and naval petroleum reserves ; and for every other ex pen se incident thereto, including supplies, equipment, expenses of travel and subsistence, the construction, maintenance, and repair of necessary ca mp b uildi ngs and ap purte nance s th ereto , $25 0,000 , of which amount not to exceed $3 5,0 00 may be exp ended f or per sonal servic es scie nti fic

in the District of Columbia ; tions with nve depa rt- a rt- During the fiscal ye ar 1 931 the head of any depar tmen t or amts, etc ., by the in depend ent est ablish ment o f the Govern ment h aving funds a vailab le for scientific and technical investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Geological Survey on scientific and technical investiga- tions within the scope of the functions of that bureau and which it is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, transfer to the Geological Survey such sums as may be necessary to carry on such Transfer of funds for . in vestigat ions . The Secre tary of the T reasur y shal l tran sfer o n the books of the Treasury Department any sum s wh ich may be author- ized hereunder, and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Geological Survey for the performance of work for the department Proviso .

or establishment from which the transfer is made : Provided, T hat fendlunds reoftrans . any sums transferred by any department or independent establish- ment of the Government to the Geolo gical Surv ey for coop erativ e work in connection with this appropriation may be expended in the same manner as sums appropriated herein may be expended

Aerial photographs .

Durin g the fiscal years 19 30 and 1931, upon the request of the Authorized for topo- graphie maps fro m Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of War or the Secretary of Army, Nav y, and Ma- rime Corps aviators . the Navy is authorized to furnish aerial

re urequired' for photographs topographic mapping projects, in so far s thfurnishing of su ch photographs will be economical to the Federal Government and does not conflict with military or naval operations or the other parts of the regular training program of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps flying services, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to re imburs e the War or Navy Department for the cost of making the photographs, such cost to be confined to the actual cost of gasoline, oil , film, paper, chemic als, an d the l abor per formed in deve loping the photographic negatives and the printing of copies of photographs, and the per diem expenses of the personnel authorized by law, together with such incidental expenses as care and minor repairs to plane and transportation of personnel to and from projects, and the War Department or the Navy Department, on the request of the De partme nt of the In terior , is a uthoriz ed to furnis h copi es to any State, county, or municipal agency cooperating wi th the Co ntracts with civil- Federal Government in the map pi ng project for which the photo- fans •

graphs were taken . In the event that the Director of the Geologi- cal Surve y deem s it a dvanta geous to the Govern ment, the Ge ologic al