SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 289 . 1930 .
341 OF :riCE OF TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES Treasurer's Office . Salaries : For Treasurer of the United States, Assistant Treasurer f and office e Tre asu rer , personnel . and for other personal services in the District of Columbia, $1 ,216, 320 . For personal services in the District of Columbia, in redeeming reserve and Redeeming Federal and natio nal Fe deral re ser ve a nd national curr ency, $325,920, to be reimbursed by eel envy. the Federal reserve and national banks . OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVFNUE Collecting the internal revenue : For expenses of assessing and collecting the internal-revenue taxes, including the employment of a Commissioner of Internal Revenue at $10,000 per annum, a general co unsel fo r the Bur eau of I nternal Revenue at $10,00 0 per an num, an assista nt to the commiss ioner, a special deputy c ommissio ner, t hree d eputy commi ssione rs, one sta mp age nt (to be r eimbu rsed by the stamp manufac turers), and the necessary offic ers, collectors, d eputy coll ecto rs, a ttorn eys, expe rts, agen ts, a ccoun tant s, in spect ors, clerks, janitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, the s everal collectio n districts, and the several divi sions of interna l- revenue agents, to be appointed as provided by law, telegraph and telephone service, rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia a nd not to exceed $116,153 for re ntal of quarters in the District of Columbia, postage, freight, express, necessary expenses incurred in making investigations in connection with the enrollment or disbar- ment of practitioners before the Treasury Department in internal- revenue matters, expenses of seizure and sale, and other necessary miscellaneous expenses, including stenographic reporting services, and the purchase of such supplies, equipment, furniture, mechanical devices, law books and books of reference, and such other articles as may be necessary for use in the District of Columbia, the sev- eral co llection districts, and the several divisions of internal-revenue a gents, $34,400,0 00, of which amo unt not to exceed $8,969,440 may be e xpended for pers onal serv ices in the Dist rict of C olumbia : Pro- vided, That no part of this amount shall be used in defraying the expenses of any officer designated above, subpoenaed by the United States c ourt to attend a ny trial before a United States co urt or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, w hich exp enses sh all be pa id from the appr opriation for "Fe es of witnesses, United States courts" : Provided further, Th at not mor e th an $100,000 of the total amount appropriated herein may be expended by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for detecting and bringing to trial persons guilty of violating the internal revenue laws or conniving at the same, including payments for information and detection of such violation . Offi ce of Compt roller of the Currency . Salaries : Comptroller of the Currency, $5,000 ; for personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia, $254,200 ; in all, $259,200 . For personal services in the District of Columbia, in connection wi th Feder al reserv e and na tional c urrency, $51,863, to be reim- bursed by the Federal reserve and national banks . For special examinations of national banks and bank plates, keep- a Special examinations, ing macerates in Treasury Building in repair, and for other inci- dental expenses attending the working of the macerater, and for pro curing informatio n relative to ba nks other than n ational, $1,500 . Comptroller, and of- fice personnel . Federal reserve and naional currency . Personal services . Internal Revenu e Bure au. Col lec tin g internal revenue . Comm ission er, g en- eral counsel, and office and field force . Rent, in District and el sew her e. Miscellaneou s ex- penses . Services in the Dis- trict . Provisos . Witness fees . Ante, p . 190. Detection and prose- cution of violations of revenue laws .