SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cg. 289 . 1930 ., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Brooklyn, New York, post office, courthouse, and so forth, com- Brunswick, Me .
plet ion . Brunswick, Maine, post office, and so forth, continuation . Buena Vista, Vs .
Buena Vista, Virginia, post office, continuation . Calesico, Calif .
Calexico, California, inspection station, continuation . Camden, N . J.
Camden, New Jersey, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- t inuation . Canon City, Colo .
Canon City, Colorado, post office, and so forth, continuation . Canton, Ohio .
Canton, Ohio, post office, and so forth, continuation . Car bondale, Ill .
Carbondale, Illinois, post office, and so forth, continuation . Casper, Wyo .
Casper, Wyoming, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continua- tion . Cedar Rapids, Iowa . Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Post Office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . Champlain, N. Y.
Champlain, New York, inspection station, continuation . Chateaugay, N . Y.
Chat eaug ay, N ew Yo rk, inspe ction sta tion, cont inua tion . Chicago, Ill .
Chica go, Illi nois, pos t office and oth er Gover nment of fices, co n- ti nuation . Claremont, N . If.
Clarem ont, New Hampshir e, post office, and so f orth, con tinuatio n . Clarksburg, W . Va .
Clarksburg, West Virginia, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation . Cleve land, Ohio .
Cleveland, Ohio, post of fice, continuation . Clovis, N . Mex.
Clovis, New Mexico, post office, and so forth, continuation . Conway, Ark.
Conway , Arkans as, post office, and so f orth, co mpletion . Corv allis, O reg .
Corvallis, Oregon, post office, and so forth, continuation . Crete , Nebr .
Crete, Nebraska, post office, and so forth, continuation . Cumberland, Md.
Cumber land, Ma ryland, p ost offi ce, cour thouse, and so fo rth, con - ti nuation . Dallas, Tex .
Dallas, Texas, post office, c ourthouse, and other Government off ices, co mple tion . Denver, Colo .
Denver, Colorado, customhouse, and so forth ; continuation : Pro- Proviso.
vided, That the limit of cost fixed in the Act of March 5 1928, is Lim it of cost in- creased .
> ,p .i~s,amend- hereby increased from $1,060,000 to $1,235,000, and appropriations ad.
heretofore made are hereby made available for the acquisition of additional land and toward the construction of said building . Derby Line, Vt .
Derby Line, Vermont, inspection station, continuation . Detroit, Mich .
Detroit , Michiga n, custo mhouse a nd other Governm ent offic es, con- tinuation . Dodge City, Ka ns .
Dodge City, Kansas, post office, and so forth, continuation . Douglas, Ariz .
Douglas, Arizona, inspection station, continuation . Duluth, Minn .
Duluth, Minnesota, post office, courthouse, customhouse, and so fo rth, comp letion . East Chi cago, Ind .
East Ch icago, In diana, p ost offi ce, and so forth , complet ion . East Ric hford, Vt .
East Richford, Vermont, inspection station, continuation . El Dorado, Ark .
El Dorado, Arkansas, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tin uation . El Paso, Tex .
El Paso, Texas, Federal office building, continuation . Erie, Pa.
Erie, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, continuation . Eustis, Me .
Eustis, Maine, inspection station, continuation . Fairfi eld, Iow a.
Fairfield, Iowa, post office, and so forth, completion . Fall Riv er, Mass .
Fall River, Massachusetts, customhouse and post office, con- tinuation . Fargo, N . Dak.
Fargo, North Dakota, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . Fitchburg, Mass .
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, post office, and so forth, completion . Flint, M ich .
Flint, Michigan, post office, and so forth, continuation . Fort Fairfield, Me .
Fort Fairfield, Maine, inspection station, completion . Fort Wayne, In d .
Fort Wayne, Indiana, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation.