SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 289. 1930 . Personal service re- resulting from such maintenance, changes, or repairs : Provided str ict fon . further, That this sum shall not be available for the payment of personal services except for work done by contract, or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building, $640,000 . V aults , safes , and Vaul ts and safes : For vaults and lock-box equipments and repairs locks, ther eto i n all comp leted and occup ied publi c bui lding s und er th e control of the Treasury Department, and for the necessary safe equipments and repairs thereto in all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, whether completed completedI and occupied or in course of construction, exclusive of personal services ., except for w ork do ne by contra ct or for te mporar y job labor under exigen cy not exceeding at one time the sum of $50 at any one building, $165,000 . General expenses . Gen eral expen ses : To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to u sac , p loco. execute and give effect to the provisions of section 6 of the Act of Technical salaries . May 30, 1908 (U. S. C ., title 31, sec. 683) : For salaries of architec- tural and engineering personnel and inspectors in the District of Expenses of superin- Columbia and elsewhere, not exceeding $1 ,427 ,800; expenses of tendence, etc°
superintendence, including expenses of all inspectors and other offi- cers and employees, on duty or detailed in connection with work on public buildings and the furnishing and equipment thereof, and the work of the Supervising Architect's Office, under orders from the Transporting honso- Treasury Department; for the transportation of household goods, h old goods of tech nical officials. incide nt to change of he adquar ters o f dist rict e nginee rs, co nstruc - tion e nginee rs, in specti on eng ineers , and inspec tors, not in exces s of five thousand pounds at any one time, together with the necessary expense incident to packing and draying the same, not to exceed Office rent, field sup- in any one year a total expenditure of $4,500; office rent and expenses plies, etc' of field force, including temporary, stenographic, and other assist- ance, in the preparation of reports and the care of public prop- erty, and so forth; advertising; office supplies, including drafting materials, especially prepared paper, typewriting machines, adding machines, and other mechanical labor-saving devices, and exchange of same; furniture, carpets, electric-light fixtures, and office equipment; telegraph and telephone service; freight, expressage, and postage incident to shipments of drawings, furniture and supplies for the field forces, testing instruments, and so forth, including articlessand supplies not usually payable from other appro- Tovisporting operat- p riations : Provided, That no expenditures shall be made hereunder mg supplies excluded . for transportation of operating supplies for public buildings; not to exceed $1,000 for books of reference, law books, technical periodi- Othe r con tinge ncies . cals and journals; and not to exceed $10,000 for the rental of addi- tional quarters in the District of Columbia for the Office of the SupervisingArchitect,includingotherincidentalexpensesincon-N .Y .Grouundrent .
nection with the occupancy of such quarters; ground rent at Sala- manca, New York, for which payment may be made in advance; contingencies of every kind and description, traveling expenses of site agents, and of employees directed by the Secretary of the Treas- ury to attend meetings of technical and professional societies in connection with the work of the Office of the Supervising Architect, recording deeds and other evidences of title, photographic instru- ments, chemicals, plates, and photographic materials, and such other ar ticle s and sup plies and such minor and incid ental expe nses not enumerated, connected solely with work on public buildings, the acquisition of sites, and the administrative work connected with the annual appropriations under the Supervising Architect's Office as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and specially Objects excluded . order or approve, but not including heat, light, janitor service, awn-