SE VENT Y-FIR ST CONGRESS. SEss . II. CH. 289 . 1930 .
359 TITLE IL-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT The following su ms are approp riated in con formity with the Act me tt ap Office D . propriations, of July 2, 1836 (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 380, title 39, sec. 786), for the fls Volyea r, 1931 .so Post Of fice Departm ent for the f iscal year en ding June 30, 1931, U.S.c.,p.49. namely POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ; WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Postmaster General, $15,000 ; for personal services in the office of the Postmaster General in the District of Columbia, $217,990 ; in all, $232,990 . When specifically approved by the Postmaster General, transfers may be made between the appropriations or allocations of appropria- tions in this title under the respective ju risdiction Of any bureau, office, institution, or service, in order to meet increases in compensa- tion resulting from the reallocation by the Personnel Classification Board of positions under any such organization unit. PO ST OFFICE DEP AR TME NT BUILDINGS SALARIE S IN BUREAUS AND OFFICES Department ex. penses . Postmaster General's Office . Postmaster General, and office p ersonnel . Tran sfers al lowed be - tween appropriations for bureaus, etc ., to meet reallocation in- creases . Department build- ings . F,or personal services in the District of Columbia for the care, Personal services, op- maintenance, and protection of the main Post Office Department erating force . Build ing, the Wash ington City P ost Office B uilding, and the mail equipment shops building, $275,745 . De part ment bur eaus and offices . For personal services in the District of Columbia in bureaus and Allotments for sonal services . offices of the Post Office Department i n not to exceed the following amounts, respectively Office of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $526,860 . Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $409,180 . Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $752,010 . Office of the Fourth Assista nt Postmaster General, $314, 270 . Office of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department, $67,540 . Office of the chief inspector, $192,500 . Office of the purchasing agent ., $37,390 . Bureau of Accounts, $42,430 . CO NTIN GEN T EXPENSES, POS T OFFICE DEP ART MEN T For stationery and blank books, index and guide cards, folders, and binding devices, including purchase of free penalty envelopes, $20,000 . For fuel and repairs to heating, lighting, ice, and power plant, including repairs to elevators, purchase and exchange of tools and electrical supplies, and removal of ashes, $50,000 . For telegraphing, $6,500 . For miscell aneous items, including pu rchase, exch ange, mainte- nance, and repair of typewriters, adding machines, and other labor- saving devices ; not to exceed $3,000 for purchase, exchange, hire, and maintenance of motor trucks and motor-driven passenger-carry- ing vehicles ; street-car fares not exceeding $540 ; plumbing ; repairs to department buildings ; floor coverings ; postage stamps for corre- sp ondence addressed abroad, whi ch is not exempt under articl e 47 of the London convention of the Universal Postal Union, $56,000 ; and of such sum of $56,000, not exceeding $14,500 may be expended for p er- Department contin- gent expenses . Stationery . Heating, lig hti ng, power, etc . T eleg rap hing . Miscellaneous . Vehicles . Postage . Vol. 44, p . 2243.