LI ST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESO LUTIONS . rage . Los Angeles, Calif ., water supply . An Act Withdrawing certain public lands from settlement, loc ation, filin g, entry, or disposal un der the land laws of the United State s for the protection of the wate rshe d su pply ing wate r to the city of Los Ange les and othe r cities and towns in the State of California, and for other purposes . Mar ch 4, 1931-- 153 0 Fed eral Farm Loan Act, amendments . An Act To amend s ection 16 of the Fed eral Farm Loan Act . March 4, 1931 1548 Little Rock air depot, Ark . An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to lease to the c ity of Little Rock portions of the Little Rock air depot, Arkansas, and for other purposes . March 4 , 1931 1549 Oleomargarine Act, amendments . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act defining butter, also imposing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, importation, and exportation of oleomargarine," approved August 2, 1886, as amended, and for ot her purp oses . March 4, 1931 1549 Veterans' Administration, additional hospital, etc ., facilities . An Act To authorize an ap- propriation to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facil ities for pe rsons entitl ed to hospita lization und er the World War Veteran s' Act, 1924 , as amended, and fo r other purposes . March 4, 1931 1550 Appropriations, S econd Deficiency Act , 1931 . An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and prior fisca l years, to provide supp lemental appr opriations f or the fisca l years endi ng June 30, 1 931, and Jun e 30, 1932, and for other purposes . March 4, 1931 1552 Ma jor General Jo hn A . Rawlins, statue . Joint Resolution To provide for the relocation of the statue of Maj or General Jo hn A . Rawlins . Marc h 4, 1931 1627 General Casimir Pulaski, observance of death . Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to proclaim October 11, 1931, Gene ral Pula ski's Memorial Day for the observance and commemoration of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski . Ma rch 4, 1931 -- 162 7 Grain contract prices . Joint Resolution To amend Public Resolution Numbered 80, Seven- tieth Congress, second session, relating to payment of certain claims of grain elevators and grain firms . March 4, 1931 1627 Appropriation, books for adult blind . Join t Resolution Making an appropriation to provide books for the adult blind . March 4, 1931 1628 Appropriation, Narcotic Drugs Conference . Join t Re solu tion Mak ing an ap prop riat ion for expenses of participation by the Government of the United States in the Conference on the Limitation of the Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs . Ma rch 4, 1931 1628 Dover Patrol Memorial, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joi nt Resolutio n Authorizin g the erecti on on public grounds at Fort Hamilton Park, Brooklyn, New York, of a memorial to the Dover Patrol in the World War . March 4,1931 1628 Appropriation, additional hospital, etc ., facilities, World War Veterans . Joint R esolution To provide an additional appropriation for hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dis- pensary facilities for the Veterans' Administration . March 4, 1931 1629 Appropriation, Marine- Band attendance, Spanish-American War Veterans? Convention . Joint Res olut ion Makin g an appropriation for expenses of the United Sta tes Mari ne B and in a tten ding the nat iona l con vent ion of the United Spanish-American War Veterans in New Orleans, Louisiana, in September, 1931 . March 4, 1931 1629 Appropriation, Army Band attendance, Grand Army encampment . Joint Resolution Making an a ppro pria tion for the attendance of the Army Band at the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Des Moines, Iowa . . March 4, 1931 1629